Drawings And Stories

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What happened?

You open your eyes. Something was rustling.

Sounds just like our fireplace.

You get up. You were in the laboratory. All lights were out, but the room was lit up by a golden portal in the middle of the room. Twirling. It was hypnotizing you. You couldn't stop looking at it.

This is what connects our two universes. If I go through this, I'll be safe again. This is what'll bring me to safety.

Then your vision goes dark again.

"(Your Name!) Can you hear me?" You hear the Germans familiar voice.
"Yes." You say and start coughing again. You look up to all Countries staring at you with horror. "What's wrong?"

"Your eyes. They're completely black." Ireland says.
"What?" You rasp.
"Did you have a dream again?" The US asks.
"What?" Germany asks confused. "How's that going to help?"

The portal.

"I have to go home." You suddenly realize what the dream meant. "The Thing has done something to me, I have to get out of here!"

"What Thing?" Romania says, confusion glazing his eyes.

"What attacked Canada. The thing we saw."
Norway's face went white. "You mean The Creature with the broken wrist?"

"What Creature? Guys you have to clarify!" The US starts to get impatient.

"When we were going out to my house to get a phone someone had followed us." Ireland explains.

"Wait you don't think that was actually real." Germany says raising an eyebrow.
"It was real!" You say. "And I don't know what it is, but I'm starting to think it's not a Country."

Norway sighs. "Okay. I think we should end our break and start working."

"Should I stay with you?" Ireland asks.
"Hey why do get to stay with them?" Russia asks crossing her arms.
"Because you guys haven't worked all day." Ireland says glaring at them.

Your lungs start to sting again and you start coughing again.

Is this how it's going to end? We all die or I leave back home? Leaving my friends here to die by themselves?

Ireland sits next to you, while the others leave to start working again.

"Don't worry. We'll get you to your universe soon enough." Ireland says.
You shut your eyes. "When I'm back home I'll be all by myself again." You say, tears starting to form in your eyes.

"Are you lonely back home?" Ireland asks.
"Yes." You murmur, trying to swallow back your tears.
"Well, since I united I also live by myself." Ireland says, putting his arm around you trying to calm you down. "I used to visit Scotland and Wales, but they've joined The UK. So now I'm also left with no family at all."
"What about The UK?" You ask after taking a deep breath.
"England is the biggest Country that joined The UK, which makes The UK Germanic. She belongs to the family of Norway and Germany and behaves mostly like England."

"Do you miss Scotland and Wales?" You ask.
"Yes. Even though they haven't been angels in the past, I do miss them."
"I don't know my real family. A other family took me in. And they just don't understand me. They keep me away from other people and the people I get to meet are just like them."
"Can't you just decide for yourself who you want to see and who you don't want to spend time with?"
"Nope, they are my parents. That means they have complete power over my actions."
"Can't you do anything without them bugging you? What's something you love to do?"
"I love to read I guess." You shrug.

"That's nice. Anything else?"
"My parents won't let me do anything else." You murmur.
Ireland sighs.
He gets out a notebook and a pencil.
"Why don't you draw something? Anything you wish for."

"But... I can't see to well." You say. Your eyes were starting to swell and sting.
"Then tell me." Ireland says, in a calm, understanding voice.
You turn to him, trying to focus on his face. "My perfect world?"

You start imagining your own perfect world and tell him about it. Every detail. Ireland sits quietly and draws, not commenting on anything.

"I know that you can't see it, but here it is." He says and gives the drawing to you.
"Thanks." You narrow your eyes to see it. "It looks beautiful." You murmur.
"How do you know?" Ireland laughs.
"Because I know what it is." You answer.
You turn to him. "What is your perfect world?"
"My perfect world?" Ireland repeats. "Is it okay if I just tell you a story about it?"
"Yeah." You answer.
"Okay. Imagine a world with fairies and the small people, called leprechauns."
You smile. "Okay."

And he continues his story. "Why don't you tell me a story?" He says after he finishes.

"I mean I'll try." You answer and start your own story.
Both of you continue to tell each other stories.

"Guys we're done for today." You hear Poland's voice. You look up to see his blurred figure. "Is everything okay?" He asks and sits down to your height. He reaches out to touch your hand.
"Yeah." You rasp. "Thanks for asking." You smile.
"Poland and Ireland come here, we need to talk about how we're going to continue to fix the portal." The US says.

You get up to.

I may not be able to see as well, but I'll definitely can still hear just as good as before.

Ireland realizes that you were going to join the meeting and puts your arm around his shoulder so he could help you navigate through the room.
"So we obviously can't just rebuild the whole thing again, since it didn't have enough power the last time. We have to think of something different." The US murmurs.

And then they started discussing technological things that you never heard before. They were able to bend time and matter, space and connect universes.

These guys are so much more advanced than we are. Or maybe someone on earth knows how to do this and won't tell the rest of humanity?

"Well that sounds like a plan." The US says and pulls you back out of your thoughts.

"Let me show you the way to the car." You hear Romania behind you.
"Thanks." You smile.

They're all staring at us, aren't they?

"Guys I'll be fine. Promise." You say hoping that they'll stop staring at you and Romania.

I hate it when I get stared at!

Luckily they stop and you start walking towards the car.

You sit down in your seat and close your eyes. You sigh. Everyone was still awake and telling each other stories about their life.

Stories. Stories were there to be told. All of them have some kind of reality in them. They're what forced us to develop languages. They're what makes us superior to all animals, because we can communicate properly. And it started with someone wanting to tell their story.

People I Appreciate

@HarrisBee And @seolyuri Thanks For Voting For 'Oceans And Glaciers'!

You guys are awesome! Your support is needed!

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