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"I didn't want to have to do this." Russia hissed.

You started putting your fists in a fighting position, but you knew that you weren't capable of being able to defend yourself against Russia if she decided to attack you.

"Stop." Belarus said, shoving herself between you and Russia.

"Belarus.." Russia started, but she got cut off by the smaller country.

She walked up to her and pulled her back.
"Poland was a brave country.." She started her sentence.

"Stop." Russia snapped.

"I knew that was the actual problem. No reason to be angry at (Your Name)." Belarus sighed.

"Hmph." Russia scoffed.

"Stay with me of you want." Belarus offered.

Russia rolled her eyes and turned to Germany, who had watched everything, awkwardly.

"We're leaving." She hissed, walking past him.

"I see that." He whispered.

The four of you continued walk through the woods.

Russia looked to the ground and didn't raise her head at all.

She seemed to be oblivious to you and the surroundings around her.

Your heart sank, especially when a cloud covered the moon again.

"When the clouds cover the moon, the beast usually appears." You say.

Belarus nodded to acknowledge the fact that they had to be careful.

Soon had the feeling to see shadows racing at the corner of your eyes.

The others noticed too and stepped closer to each other.

When the shadows started to get closer and faster, you stopped walking at all.

You heart started to beat faster and faster, while panic started to lame your body.

Then all the shadows towered in front of you, forming the body of the monster. It stood on its hind legs, double the height of Russia.

"We'll look who we have here." The monster said.

You started backing off, except for Russia, who stood her place.

"Russia, get back." You whispered energetically.

But she didn't budge and continued to glare at the beast.

"You, I can't wait to have a rematch." It got down on its fours, starting to creep up on her.
"You wanted to make yourself not care, but you do. You hate yourself for it." It continued walking towards you.
"And now you're doing the same thing again, just with them instead."

Then it pounced, but not at Russia, instead at you. It threw you through the air and made you hit your head against a tree trunk.

Belarus and Germany wanted to help you, but the beast threw them to the side as well, making Belarus pierce her wrist with a rock and Germany landed in a bush of thorns.

Dark Entity [Countryhumans x Reader]{Countryhumans Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now