The Woods At Night

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Is this what it feels like to be dead?

You wake up.
"What happened?" You ask while squinting your eyes against the bright supermarket light.
"You lost consciousness." You hear someone next to you. "Probably due to shock and oxygen deprivation."

Wait, what happened to Canada?

"Is Canada okay?" You ask in panic getting up.
"Yeah, about that..."
You look over where Canada lay. The US was sitting next to her, holding her hand. "Who did this to you? Why won't you wake up?"
"We need help. Are you sure you don't have any phone or telephone here?" Germany says.
"Yes I'm sure." Ireland says. "I could go to the next house, which is about one kilometer away from here."
"Not with China roaming the forest." The US says grimly.
"The wounds were made with a bayonet. Do you think that automatically means France and China did this? Maybe someone stole the gun, we don't know who it was." Germany reasons.

"I'll go for the phone." You hear Poland say, who was sitting remotely away from the others.
"Me too, obviously." Ireland says.
"Me too." You offer.
Everyone turns to you.
"You're awake!" You hear Indonesia exclaim.
"You're not going anywhere. You need to take a break." The Philippines next to you says.
"No, I'm going." You say. I'm going to prove them I'm not weak. "You can't stop me." You say as The Philippines looks like he was going to protest.
"I have to stay here in case her condition worsens." Germany murmurs.
"I'm going too." Thailand says.
"So will I." The Philippines says.
"I'm staying here." The US sighs.
"I'm definitely going." Russia says. "Norway I bet your going too."
Norway nods.
"Count me in too." The UK says getting up.

You make your way through the dark, everyone armed with a flashlight. Everyone has a nervous or tired expression on their face.
"So who are we calling?" Norway asks, but gets interrupted by a bloody bayonet getting thrown on the path.
"Holy sh*t!" The UK exclaims.
You turn to the side of the path. "Whose there?!"
"Here I found something." Thailand says walking out to the path. "What happened why do you all look like someone tried to kill you?" She asks after she sees all of your shocked expressions.

"Did you throw that knife out on the path?" The UK yell at her.
"What? No!" She says. "This is what I found." She says picking up a black bloody glove.
"Oh jeez." Norway says turning around to look behind him. "Does anyone feel watched by now?"
"Since the bomb at Ireland's house? Yes." Russia murmurs.
"We should take it with us." You you suggest. "Maybe we could us them as proof."
Thailand nods. "We should touch it as little as possible, so we don't mess up the fingerprints. Does anyone have a plastic bag?"
Nobody answers.
"I could go back, I mean I don't think that there isn't enough volunteers here anyway. If someone attacks them at the gas station they could use a helping hand.

Finally you reach the house. The moment you enter, there suddenly was a short siren.
"China calls in a UN meeting." Then it stops.

"I'm going to call the Germanics." Ireland mumbled.
"How are we going to get home though?" Norway asks.
"I could ask our family." Poland offers.
"Yeah, but we have to hurry or they'll already be on their way to The UN meeting." Russia says.

After you were done calling, everyone got together in a group.
"Wait, where is Norway?"

Oh no, not again.

"Guys.." You turn around to see Norway's terrified face.
"I've seen it, it's outside."

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