› 21 〉

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Everywhere I look is light. It's hurting my eyes. I try to escape it but whatever I do, it's still here. Just a few more seconds of peace...

"Hong Eunae!"

My body doesn't respond to the loud yelling of my name. I continue to have my eyes closed while trying to go back to sleep.

"You're insane"

I feel someone wrapping their arms around me, making me open my eyes widely. Looking besides me, I can see Chaeyoung her head resting on my shoulder. 

"What's going on?" I ask, still sleepy.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"Tell you what?"

"Don't play stupid"

Chaeyoung let's go off my arm. She starts to giggle disturbingly.

"I swear Chae if you don't-"

"The Guillotine file. You actually got it"

My sister smiles at me and runs a hand through her long hair. I have to say, I have no idea what she's talking about. The only thing I've done for the past 24 hours is lay in bed with the blinds closed.

"Vincenzo told me you found it and gave it to him" She lets out a sigh. "Can't believe you kept it a secret"

Still half a sleep, I grab my blankets and pull them closer to me. "I don't know what you're talking about"

As I said so Chaeyoung starts to study me. She looks deep into my sleepy eyes while squinting hers together as if that's helping her see better.

"Something bad happened"

Of course something happened. Something bad always happens. I try to figure out what exactly is bad about what happened, but my head doesn't want to collaborate. Why is it so bad that my best friend kissed me? He was just trying to prove a point.

But what did it mean.

"It's nothing" I let out silently. "Just go back to what you were doing"

I push Chaeyoung off of my bed and lay back down. 

"We are not doing this" Chaeyoung grabs my blanket and pulls it off of me. "We are going to Jipuragi and Vincenzo will explain the plan to you and about what he found on the file"

She continues to grab my arm, pulling me down to the floor. As soon as my body hits the cold wooden floor I feel as if I've had been fully awake this entire time. 

The words "Guillotine file"  finally come through to me.

{ Time skip }

"Are you sure that you don't want to participate?"

I nod my head dramatically as Chaeyoung and Mr Nam sigh dispassionately. 

"Pray for us then"

Chaeyoung and Mr Nam turn around and walk into Toto's restaurant that is now some sort of temple. Their plan with CEO Oh is cool but Chaeyoung her acting skills are probably what will send this plan to debt of the seas.

Vincenzo, who's now a shaman, takes place next to me and lets out a silent sigh.

"I see that you're talking again"

A little grin appears on my face. "Why did you tell her that I was the one who found the file?"

"It hurts me not to see you talk" He looks over at me and smiles. "Though I will miss the quiet office"

Betrayal - vincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now