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"Are they going to get together in the end?" Cameron asked with a hopeful intrigue to her voice, eating a handful of popcorn and not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Who? Elle and Emmett?" Garcia quizzed, taking a swig of her wine and adjusting her face mask.

"No, Elle and the brunette lady- Viviane I think her name is."

Amanda burst into laughter over the facetime call, "see, Cameron gets it! They have way more chemistry than her and that noodle boy."

"You just think that just because they're both hot women" Emily pointed out.

"I mean... duh" Amanda laughed again, "statistically speaking all rom-coms would be better if they were sapphic."

"Shhh- do you guys always talk through movies? We're trying to educate Cameron on the art that is Legally Blonde" Garcia shushed them and snuggled the blanket over her on her sofa, wiggling closer to Cameron who was eagerly watching the film despite the pounding in her head from her 3 week old concussion thanks to a mix up on a previous case.

It turned out that the unsub responsible for Daxter and Elizabeth's deaths wasn't in fact the therapist like the team were sure it was- but her ex-husband, Freddie.

Cameron found this out first when she sat on the park bench for hours with the therapist who was surprisingly chatty for a potential unsub who was meant to be paranoid to the point of murder but this woman seemed quite the opposite.

Cameron's big indicator that she wasn't the unsub was the dog, Florence, who didn't seem scared of her one bit like she thought she would be, but the team didn't listen to her and instead carried on with their raid once they got the warrant despite her saying they should wait.

They found nothing but files they couldn't even go through with the warrant under the data protection law but surprisingly the therapist offered them it up to look through, that's when Hotch also realised she wasn't the unsub- but Reid was still convinced she was so he went to the therapy session despite both Hotch and Cameron saying no to the original plan.

Cameron was in bed when she got a call saying that one of the SUV's were missing, signed out by 'Doctor Spencer Reid' for 'personal reasons.'

Garcia found the address through the SAT nav when Hotch suspected these 'personal reasons' were much more to do with the case and he was right- except it was Cameron who was furious at Reid's plan not Hotch like everyone expected.

She stormed over to the therapists office without a second thought, of which she wished she would have had when she walked into the session and instead of seeing Reid led on some sofa spilling a fake sob story to get the therapist to talk, he was stood with a knife to his throat by the real unsub and the therapist had been hit over the head and was bleeding out from the accidental stab wound in her side when she tried to stop her ex-husband running into the session and accusing her of sleeping with Reid.

Freddie revealed then what he had done- not noticing Cameron in her pyjama's which now seemed to be a common occurrence of her witnessing a crime in her hastily thrown on coat, booties and some sort of frilly or silk pyjamas.

Cameron could see him lift the knife to slice Reid's throat and didn't have a second thought, she threw her body at him sending him off balance and Reid falling to freedom with only a slight cut on the side of his neck.

Cameron on the other hand did not leave the commotion quite as lucky.

When Hotch and back up eventually arrived she had a sharp cut across her bruised cheekbone, a black eye forming and very clear signs of a concussion as the therapist (of who Cameron had managed to stop bleeding out somehow in amidst the blur of the concussion and tying up the unsub with Reid's belt she grabbed from him) held her hair back whilst she threw up in the trash.

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