Operation Ask Ellie to the Galla Part 6 ~ Kenric

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What? Is this an actual update??? After like, 3 months???!!! Surely it can't actually be real.

But, yeah, hi, we're back!!! To all the amazing people who were so understanding and sweet, thank you thank you thank you!!! Your comments meant the world! Things should be less busy, so new chapters should be coming out every friday again!!!

She said yes. Yes! Like, I asked her to the galla, and she said yes. It took all of my self control not to do a happy dance right there.

Instead, I made it all the way to my room before pumping my fist in the air and jumping up and down. Sure, I had asked her as friends, but I was building up to it.

There was only one problem. I didn't have a suit. Well, not one that fit anymore at least. Luckily, I knew just what to do about that.



"So you finally got up the guts to ask Willa to the ball, but only as friends, and you don't even have a suit," my dad summed up.

"Yup. Pretty much."

"Well, I would make fun of you, but it took me years to ever try to do any more than flirt with your mother, so I guess it runs in our family."

"So can you help me get ready? Get me looking at least decent?"

"At least decent??!! My boy??!!! Oh no, Kenric, by the time Lord Hunkyhair is done with you, you'll be breathtaking." Dad got a glint in his eye that made me slightly scared and slightly pumped. "Now, first we'll need to get you a suit. Then we'll work on your hair, although it won't take too much, you have my glamorous hair, and then flirting techniques. To Atlantis we go!"

We checked in with my mom, who squealed a bit when I told her I'd invited Willa to the galla, and then told us to be back for dinner. Then we were off to Atlantis.

Together we roamed the city, popping into shops and trying to find a good suit. That was when we realized that we should probably talk to Willa about what color dress she planned on wearing.

I hailed Ellie to ask her to ask Willa so that I could pleasantly surprise her by matching perfectly.

"We can't just show you the dress!!! You can't see it until the galla!" Ellie was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jean shorts with her hair in a ponytail. Behind her I could see the familiar walls of Willa's tree house, as well as a bunch of brightly colored fabrics. I caught a tiny glimpse of Willa, hair tucked into a messy bun and wearing a yellow sundress, as she carried a box of sewing patterns to the other side of the tree house.

"Hi Willa! Ellie won't let me see your dress!" I called over to her. She turned around and laughed, shifting the box to give me a little wave.

"You'll see it at the galla!" Ellie butted in.

"But I need to match my suit!"

"Here, show him a tiny piece of the fabric. He can match without getting spoiled," Willa suggested, tucking a loose strand of curly red hair behind her ear before leaving the screen.

"Ugh, fine. Here, are you happy now?" Ellie held up a scrap of ice blue fabric that slowly faded to white with a piece of gold embroidered tulle over top it. Being an employee at Biana's boutique, I knew that it was really unique, and high quality.

"Very! Bye Ellie!" I hung up on her, turning to my dad. "What are the chances we can find a gold tux?"

"We won't know unless we try!"

Together we wandered around Atlantis, and ended up finding not only the perfect tux, but also new cologne, hair gel, and fancy dancing shoes. We also found a stray Fun Sized Bangs Boy being pulled around shops by his Aunt Linh.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"I grinned at him.

"Hey Kenric! Are you shopping for the galla too?"

"Yep. I'm going with Willa!"

"I know. You told me. Repeatedly." I elbowed him as he laughed.

'Hey, do you want to get together to get ready? I'm almost positive that my sister and Willa are."

"Sure! Do you have any idea how to tie a bow tie? Cause I don't."

"Fear not Bangs Boy 2.0, I, the magnificent Lord Hunky Hair can assist you." Keefe said, smirking.

"Uh, thanks? Anyways, meet at your house an hour before the galla?"

"Sounds good! See you then."

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