Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 12 - Kenric

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I laughed as Ellie left the lunch table, mumbling something about the bathroom.

"So," I turned to Willa, "Is that the thing you weren't telling me about yesterday?"

"Maaaaaaybe," She grinned. "They're adorable!!!" I laughed.

"You're not wrong. The thing is, Ellie sucks at the romantic stuff."

"Tell me about it," Willa rolled her eyes. I wondered how she knew.

"Anyways, I was thinking... they might need some help if they're ever going to get together," Willa smiled.

"Kenric playing matchmaker? I guess you see something new everyday." She laughed.

"Not just Kenric! I'll need someone on the inside," I smirked at her.

"You're her brother!"

"Exactly! She won't tell me this stuff. So, what do you say? Team Killa for the win?" I put my hand out, palm down. She hesitated, but then put her hand on top.

"They are adorable... Fine! Team Killa for the win!" We pumped our hands up and both burst into laughter.

"We need somewhere to meet up." I said when we had composed ourselves.

"I call it not being your room! I've been in there, and it looks like a disaster zone." Willa said.

"Hey! Wait, when have you been in my room?" I asked, confused.

"Where do you think we got the pink hair elixir?" She smirked. This girl was awesome.

"Okay, fine, not my room. What about yours?"

"To many little kids. My siblings are in there all the time. But I do have a tree house in the garden. The kids are forbidden from entering without permission." She told me.

"Perfect! Meet you there after school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that works."

"It's a date then!" I said, and then walked away, leaving Willa a blushing mess. I loved doing that.

I had maybe-sorta had a crush on Willa for a while. Like, since she had first come over our house. But only recently had she started acting in a way that made me think she might like me back.

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