Chapter 1: Introductions

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No One's POV

Rosewood, Pennsylvania was a very small town, a place where almost everyone knew each other. There were of course, some people that were complete strangers, but most of the time, everyone was a familiar face to one another. Although, they might not know each other personally, gossip traveled fast in a town as small as this.

So obviously, everyone here knew who were the people to stay away from. Which person was nothing but trouble, which person always got what they wanted without even trying, and which person could crush you both emotionally and socially just for the entertainment pleasure in it.

The problem with that was that in this tiny town, all those different people lead to one in particular, Alison DiLaurentis.

With that being said, it wasn't much of a surprise when she got involved in a hit and run accident resulting her to be in a 2 month long coma.

Emily's POV

I have barely lived in Rosewood for no more than a week, and I already made a few friends in my apartment complex. They were even kind enough to help me move in last week, which I was incredibly thankful for.

One of them lives a couple stories above me. She is a really kind, smart, and beautiful young woman who goes by the name of Spencer. I don't know much about her yet, but so far she seems kind of uptight and extremely professional for her young age. She really needs to learn to relax and enjoy life while she's young, that's for sure.

The other two friends I made actually live together three doors to the left of my apartment. One of them is a short, little, spunky brunette named Aria. Whom I always see wearing the most creative and sometimes weird outfits I've ever seen. Hanna, her blonde roommate on the other hand seems to always be joking or saying the most random things at the most inappropriate times possible. I'm actually still having trouble telling her sarcastic jokes and comments apart from her serious side, that's if she even has one to begin with.

Now that I actually think about it, i'm not even sure how they managed to make their friendship so close and strong considering they're really different. If anything, it probably has something to do with their love of fashion since they're always looking so flawless and dressed to impress all the time.

But one thing all three of them have in common is that they each already told me numerous times to stay away from a girl named Alison. I mean, really? How bad can she actually be?

Alison's POV

"Alison, are you ready to go home" my half sister, CeCe asked me as she drove us home.

"Do you really even had to ask?" I answer back sarcastically. "Ce, I mean cooome on, who wouldn't want to go home after spending months in a dumpy old hospital?" I growled out not bothering to keep my gaze from looking out the window.

"I guess. You don't have to be such a bitch about it though. I was just trying to make small talk until we got home" my sister replied with a hint of hurt in her voice.

This time I don't even bother answering back, because knowing me I'll just say something mean again and then end up regretting it later on like I always do.

God, why can't I be nice for just a moment? Why must I always have a force field up all the time? And that's when those memories decide to creep back into my mind to haunt me.

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