Chapter 6: One Big Mess

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<Monday Morning>

CeCe's POV

I have no idea what happened this week, but whatever it was it sure made my sister really depressed. I can't stand seeing her like that. I love her way too much to see her hurting. I really wish she would just talk to me. She won't even eat, leave her room or anything. It's only been a couple of days, but she's really beginning to worry me. What if something bad happened again?

After a few hours of investigating and wondering what happened, I remembered that she was last with that new girl before she got like this. Maybe she'll know what happened. I'll just have to go and ask her about it.

When I got to the new girls apartment, some bearded guy in just a towel opened the door. "You're early" was all he said before grabbing me by my forearm and pulling me into the living room. "You're a lot prettier then I would have expected"

"Thanks?" I answer very confused. "I'm just here looking for a g- oh dear god what are you doing!" Did this guy just seriously drop his towel right in front of me!?

"Don't be scared baby. I'm not going to hurt you. We can take this as slow as you want" he says while trying to lift my shirt up.

Before anything else could happen though, I managed to slap him straight across his hairy face, just long enough for me to get out of his grip and hightail it out of there. I must have been completely frightened of what could have happened in that apartment because next thing I knew, I accidentally bumped into Hanna.

"Whoa. Easy there girl, where's the fire?" she asks sarcastically, holding me by the shoulders.

"N-new guy. Rape. Me. Beard." I try to say while I'm gasping for air.

She chuckles. "You got your anatomy all wrong girl. Unless that's what you call your business down there. Personally, I try to come up with cute names. It makes it sound sexier"

Wow this Hanna is really something else. "What? No. Some guy with a beard in D2 tried to rape me" I say once I fully catch my breathe.

Her eyes widen. "No that can't be. That's Emily's apartment. And a guy with a beard? That has to be Emily's boyfriend. Are you sure you weren't misreading things?"

"Positive. Gotta go. My sis needs me" I say as I continue to run to the elevator.

Once I'm inside my apartment, I call out for my sister. Maybe that's why she's been so fragile? "PookieBear. Where are you?" I start to yell out the nickname I gave her when we were kids. That's when I hear sobbing coming from her room. Well that was easy.

"Pookie. What's wrong?" I say as I enter her room to sit next to her. Holding her in my arms I ask, "Did Emily's boyfriend try to rape you too? Is that what's been making you so sad this weekend?" She then looks up at me with a concerned face. At least she stopped crying. That's a good sign, right? "You can tell me"

She shakes her head no. "No that's not it. How could you possibly ask me that?" she questions. A few second later she gets out of my hold only to focus on my roughed up appearance instead. "Is that what happened to you? Did that guy try to fuck you? Ce just look at your shirt.. your wrist. Are you ok?" she now asks with anger in her voice. Now there's the sister I know and love.

"I-I have to go tell Emily. But she hates my guts. I can't believe I messed everything up Ce. What am I going to do now?" she then adds only to start crying again as she cuddles up in my embrace once again.

At least I managed to find out that whatever happened is because of this Emily girl after all. I'm just going to have to call her and she if I can fix this myself, because I'm sure as hell not going back there again. Not with that guy still there I'm not.

Hours later when I finally convinced Ali to take a bath to relax, I snuck into her phone and got Emily's phone number. I'm going to figure a way to fix this mess once and for all.


<Later That Evening>

Alison's POV

Today has just been an overall awful day! I still can't get over what happened with Emily Friday, my sister almost got raped, and by Emily's boyfriend nonetheless. And worst of all, it's the anniversary of the incident I just can't seem to move on from.


I hear the door bell ring. Ugh! I swear CeCe forgets her keys more times a day then there are days in a week. But when I opened the door, I just stood there in complete astonishment. I should really learn to check through the peephole before opening the door from now on.

"Uh.. Um Emily. Hi, how are you? What are you doing here? Please come in" I rant, unsure of exactly what I should say to her.

I mentally scold myself for looking like a complete hot mess. No makeup, messy hair, red puffy eyes, barefoot, and worst of all I'm just in an oversized t-shirt with a wine stain on the front.

"Alison. Wh-what happened to you?" she asks surprised. As if I didn't feel like crap already.

But then upon closer inspection, I noticed that she looked like she was crying as well. "I guess it's just not my day today" I try and say happily with a chuckle. "I-"

"So how are you, really?" She cuts me off.

"Never better"

"Cut the crap Alison. Your sister told me everything" she says sadly.

"I'm sorry" I say starting to cry once again. "I really am. I wish I could tell you the real reason why I'm like this, and why I acted like that. But I'm not ready. Please understand. I promise I'll tell you someday when I'm ready" I plea. She doesn't say anything in response though. She just continues to stare at me with watery eyes.

Crap! Now I really do think I just made things worse. I start crying harder in fear that she would be just like the many of other people that automatically judge me without actually getting to know me. That's when she does the unexpected and gives me a tight hug, calming me down.

"Alison?" she asks while pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah Em?

"Would it be okay if I stay here the night? I don't want to go to my place. Not while Isaac is there" she asks nervously while simultaneously trying not to cry.

"Of course. Anything you want" I say. Yes! At least she's not mad at me anymore! I hope?

"Thanks Alison. I'll just sleep on the couch. Sorry for bothering you again" she responds shyly.

"Nonsense. My bed is big enough for the both of us" At this point I can't stop smiling on the inside.

She pulls me in for another, tighter hug. "Thank you so much Alison!"

When we pull away from the hug, I accidentally kiss her on the cheek out of reflex, only causing her to frown at me.

Oh god. What did I just do?

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