Chapter 15: Friends or Foes?

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Alison's POV

I woke up today around noon with my girl still in my arms. I love this feeling, although I can't help but be surprised that I slept in for once. Usually I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning due to my intense nightmares.

"Mmm morning babe" Emily says in her usual sexy morning voice.

"Morning sweetie"

"Awe what? No breakfast in bed this time?" she asks with a pout, once she fully opens her eyes.

"Sorry love, I'll go get on that right now." I replied trying to get up from bed. Trying but not succeeding. Man this girl is rough in bed!

"Noooo. Stay with here with me" she pouts again, grabbing me by my arm so I couldn't go. God she's adorable when she gets in her little child ways.

"Okay. So what do you want to do today then? I ask, willing to give her whatever she wanted.

"Umm move I guess so that I can get that out the way. Ooh and go out to get ice cream too!" She answers with a teethe smile. I just couldn't help but giggle at her answer. She is definitely a kitten. But most importantly, she's all mine.

About an hour later, after we finished with our morning routines, we were on our way down to her apartment to pack a few things up.

Well.. that was until we ran into Aria and Hanna waiting outside her soon to be old place. And it was safe to say that they had some very unpleased looks of their own, the moment they laid eyes on me.

The moment my girlfriend unlocks and opens the door, Hanna literally yanks Em out of my grasp and into the apartment with Aria hot on their trail.

I wasn't sure if I should wait outside or just walk in, considering I didn't want to cause any more problems for my girlfriend.

Eventually after around 5 minutes or so later I just decided to walk in without knocking.. After all she is my girlfriend and it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right? I guess they didn't notice I was there, because I could hear Aria yelling at her. That's weird. I always thought that that was more Hanna's job?

"Didn't we tell you before to stay away from her!" I overheard Aria growl out.

"Yeah Em! I thought we were friends. We don't see you all month and the moment we do, you're over here with the wicked bitch of the west! What the fuck gives!?" Hanna adds.

"Don't talk about my girlfriend like that" Emily states. Awe shes actually defending me?

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!?" They both shout in unison.

"That's what I said. Did I stutter?" Em snaps back as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"What in the actual fuck Emily! I thought you were straight! God is everyone here gay except for me!?" Hanna yells back causing me to giggle. That's when they all turn to catch me overhearing everything go down.

"I'm not. She just happens to be the only exception" Emily answers as she walks over to me to peck my cheek. God how I love this woman.

The other girls just stare blankly at us. "I can explain everything" I say to them trying to be kind, for my girl's sake.

"Em seriously? She's like 30" Hanna says completely ignoring my previous comment. Ok ouch. Now that hurt. I know I'm older, but I didn't think I look that old. Did I?

"Hanna back off. Stop being mean. She didn't do anything. And unless you be nice to my girlfriend, I don't want to talk to you" Emily answers back, giving my hand a slight squeeze.

There's a slight moment of silence. Until Aria speaks up again. "One chance" is all she says, glaring at me. Boy, if looks could kill I'm sure I would be dead 10 times over.

"Th-that's all I need. I promise you guys I won't do anything to mess this up. I love Emily too much to mess that up. If that's what it takes, then consider it done" I say, utterly speechless.

Instead of them saying anything, their jaws drop once again before they hand motion me to go on. For about the next 30 minutes, I told them absolutely everything that I told Emily beforehand. From my heartbreaks, to the nightmares, from how bad I felt about having to be mean, and anything else in between. Worst part was that I cried just like the first time I told this story. After that, everything became extremely awkward as Emily consoled me down.

" you guys want anything you see here before I get rid of it?" Emily said, thankfully breaking the weird tension in the room.

"Are you that broke that you need to sell everything?" Hanna blurted with a quirked up eyebrow.

"No. I'm giving it away. Help yourselves to whatever you see" Em answers back.

"I call the TV!" Hanna yells. She is really something else, I swear.

"What are you going to do for clothes and living arrangement then?" Aria butts in, completely ignoring Hanna.

"She's moving in with me, and I'm taking her shopping so she can buy whatever she wants to replace all this" I answered her.

"Looks like you got yourself a SugarMama Em" Hanna says. "I would probably go gay too if I got shopping sprees and someone to wait on my every command".

Is that really how she sees our relationship being?

"You don't have to. If you girls want, we can all go shopping. I'll get you each something as a thank you gift for giving me a fresh start" I replied.


Emily's POV

Nine hours later and we're barely getting back home after a buusssy day.

After moving out I turned in my apartment keys, donated my possessions to the local homeless shelter, gave some away to the girls, and even spent the rest of the day shopping with them. So I am extremely exhausted and just want to sleep at this point. But I must admit today was great, I still can't stop smiling. Even though I never got the ice cream that Alison had promised me. 

I would have to say that the best part of the day was seeing my girlfriend and friends finally starting to get along. I guess all the joking and talking we did while we were packing really helped. While the shopping on the other hand was just priceless to say the least.

Hanna was even able to put aside her anger long enough to tease me about my relationship with Alison. She even went as far as to buy me a packet of sugar babies and a sugar daddy pop for Alison to tease us about our age differences.

Either way, I couldn't help but be extremely happy. Probably the happiest I've felt since before my brother was born, and I owe it all to my girlfriend. I thought as I started to feel myself slowly drift to sleep.

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