Chapter 8: First Date

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Alison's POV

I woke up early this morning, like I usually always do, wondering if last night really happened. That was until I look down and see the gorgeous brunette on whom I have a crush on nuzzled in my arms.

Yeah I know, it must sound crazy to start to fall for someone you hardly know this quickly. But isn't that what love at first sight is?

Either way, all I know is that I'm crazy excited that she yes to being my date tonight. It gives me all that much more encouragement to try and make her mine. Well officially that is.

After a while of blissfully holding Emily in my arms, I figured that it was time for me to get up. I knew I had to try and remove myself quietly away from her since I didn't want to wake her up in the process.

Since I wanted everything to be perfect for her, I figured what better way then to start the day off with breakfast in bed. So I take my time to slowly tiptoe out of my room and down the hall towards the kitchen.

And who knows, maybe the good start will put her in a happier mood for what else I have planned out for us. At least I sure hope it did, because I'm definitely going to need all the luck I can get.

About 30 or so minutes later I'm back in my room with a tray of food and freshly squeezed orange juice.

I never noticed how angelic the way Emily looks when she sleeps. She's so adorable with the way she hugs the pillow while having a wide smile on her face. She's more then likely having a good dream, or at least that's what I hoped for. Since I clearly didn't want to interrupt and ruin it for her, I ended up putting the tray on the bedside table and wait until she wakes up.

I was about to sit back down on the bed when she inadvertently startles me. "Good morning Alison. Thanks for letting me stay here again. I really owe you one" she says with the sexiest morning voice I heard in ages, all while still being bundled up to her chin with the comforter. How can someone be so sexy, yet so cute and innocent all at the same time? Is that even possible!?

I go around to her side again and lay the tray on the bed, directly above her thighs so that she can eat. "Like I said last night, don't worry about it. Just enjoy your day and we'll call it even" I say smiling to her.

She quirks her eyebrows confused at me for a moment before speaking. "Uhh.. Thanks? But um where's your food? You wanna share with me? Or did you already eat?" she asks.

"No it's honestly ok. I already ate while I was cooking your breakfast" I lied. Honestly I can't eat. I'm so nervous that I'm not sure I'll be able to keep any food down until after the date is over tonight.

"Oh shoot! Did I wake up late? Am I bothering you? I can go back home if you want me to? That way I won't get in your day" the sleepy brunette then asks.

"Em, really.. Don't worry about it, alright? You're perfectly fine. You're absolutely no bother to me and you can stay here for as long as you want. I'm just going to take a quick shower in the mean time. Enjoy your meal and make yourself at home, ok?" I smile as I grab a robe and head to my master bathroom.

A few moments later, I walk back into my room wearing nothing but my robe. I noticed that she was just staring at the pictures I had placed around my room, all while wearing only one of my shirts and her TMNT panties, she's such a little kid at times, it's so cute. "Carful, don't get scared by those"

She jumped back a bit, startled. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to."

I laughed. "It's ok Em. I did say to make yourself comfortable after all. Clearly you did. And the ninja turtles, really?" I ask smirking.

I noticed she blushed and tried to hide her booty but clearly without luck because Dayam! "Hey give me a break. I'm still a teenager here. And if I knew I'd end up sleeping here I would of worn something sexier" she laughs, trying hard to get rid of her embarrassment.

Wait, did she just say she's still a teenager!? Now I really do feel old. "How old are you anyways?" I ask clearly interested.

She looks at her feet. "19".

Ok so it's not all that bad then. At least she's of legal age, so that's a good sign. I sigh in relief, even though I have a feeling that this age thing might be a problem somewhere down the road. "Um. I'm going to go back home. I think Isaac is probably gone by now. Thanks Alison" she says awkwardly after a pause of silence.

Ugh! Why did she have to mention that assholes name? Well all I know is that I'm not going to let that happen.

"Nonsense. You're mine for the day. Whatever you need from home, I'm sure you can find here" I say only to have her stare blankly at me. "Ma maison est votre maison" I say probably confusing her even more. God she's so cute when she's confused, I could just eat her up.

"Um what? I know I may look foreign and all, but I still don't speak other languages. Only English." she giggles.

"Sorry force of habit" there's another awkward moment of silence until I speak up again. "So go get ready, I have a day planned out ahead of us and I don't want to miss our reservations" this time it's my turn to laugh.

"I didn't bring any clothes or know where we're going" she replied nervously.

"Pick anything you like out of my closet" I say as I head to pick out my own clothes. "Unless that is if you want me to pick something out for you?"

"Um yes please" she says.

I think I know what I want her to wear. I just hope she likes it.


<Later That Night>

Today has been amazing so far. After breakfast, I took her to my family's old house in the Poconos. I never brought anyone here before. We just had a little picnic outside by the lake talking and waiting for the sunset to hit. Once it was dark, we left and I took her to this fancy restaurant that overlooks the city. Yeah I know, talk about cliché romantic stuff. I've never been the type of person to want to do these kinds of romantic gestures before, but she makes me want to be. I don't know what it is exactly. All I can describe it as is that it's a strong gut feeling that I just can't ignore. And that's good enough for me.

"Alison, this place looks really expensive. I would of been happy just getting a burger from the dollar menu at McDonald's or something" she says looking around the restaurant as we reach our table.

I fake a hurt shocked expression "So you're telling me I did all this for no reason then?" Awe she actually looks offended. "I'm just joking with you. I wanted to treat you how you should be treated all the time. Plus they have a great view here and the food is amazing" I say pulling out the chair for her.

Conversation between the two of us goes great as we begin to learn the basics about one another while we wait for our dinner. Unfortunately, once our meals arrived it got quiet all of a sudden. I couldn't help but notice that she looked as if she was in deep thought about something.  "What's on your mind Em?" I question.

"I don't get why you're so nice to me when all I've heard from everyone about you was the complete opposite"

I knew that this conversation was going to come up sooner or later. "I can explain all of that. No one knows exactly what happened. But I can tell you everything you want to know after you answer my next question" I answer her.

She nods her head and asks "Ok. What's the question?"

This is it. Time to take a deep breathe. Do it like how you would pull a band-aid, quick and in one swift motion, I mentally tell myself.

"I promise I'll tell you what you want to know, regardless how you answer this question. No matter how good or bad it is" I say nervously, trying to stall for a bit more time.  She just nods her head motioning me to go on.

"So I was just wondering if um.. If you wouldn't mind wanting to be my girlfriend?"

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