Chapter 28: Jealousy

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<Six Weeks Later>

Alison's POV

These past few weeks with Emily have been the best weeks of my life, to say the least. She really came around, ever since she gave me the promise ring.

She has been a lot more loving and affectionate towards me, just like how she said she would be. She also has been spending a lot of time with CeCe and helping me out around the office, or at least trying to anyways. Em has even gotten a lot more daring in the bedroom as well, it's amazing.

The more I actually think about it, the more I'm prepared for the next step to come. I just hope she is. I'll just have to talk to her about it later on today.


I went into my girlfriends work place to surprise her for once, but I couldn't help but notice that her clients were staring at her like they were undressing her with their eyes. I couldn't help but be furious by it. So of course I did what any jealous girlfriend would do. I went over to my girl and pulled her lips into mine for a long passionate kiss, showing the other people here that she was mine and to back the hell off.

"Mm hey babe. What brings you here today?" Emily asks, baffled.

"Oh you know, I just wanted to see how my girl was doing. And was maybe also hoping to take her out to lunch after work" I answer back with a little wink.

"Um yeah sure. Just give me a few minutes to finish off here and then I'm free to go"

"Sure thing baby. I'll be over there waiting for you to be done" I responded, pointing to an open seat a short distance away.

Unfortunately on my way there, I noticed that one of the women there still hasn't received the hint that Em was mine. The green eyed woman just kept  staring intently at her. So I did what comes naturally to me and decided to go over to her and make some small talk while my girl helped someone else try to walk.

"She's pretty sexy, huh?" I ask the woman with black hair.

"Yeah, she's actually the reason why I accompany my friend to her appointments" she replies.

That bitch!

"I'm sure it is. My wife does get a lot of attention with her looks. I mean come on, who wouldn't want that?" I lied back to her while I wave to my girl, earning me a air kiss from her.

"Your wife?" She exclaims.

"Yes. You didn't think someone like her would still be single, now did you?"

"I-I guess not. I just didn't know. I never seen a wedding ring on her finger?" the woman then asks confused.

"Of course not honey. She can't be wearing a diamond ring in this profession. It'll end up getting dirty or scratching a client of hers. So she takes it off, isn't my girl so thoughtful and caring of others?" I smirk back.

"Yeah she really is. Anyways it was nice meeting you. I'm going to wait for my friend outside. When she's done can you please let her know I'll be in the car?" she then replies as she gets up to leave.

"Sure thing" I answered.

Yes! Now hopefully she won't be coming back here to check out my girl ever again. Or else I'll make sure she regrets it for the rest of her life.

The rest of the appointment, I just sat there pleased with myself.

Well that was up until I thought of all the other potential people out there that might do the same. I know I won't be able to stop them all. But I can at least try, can't I?


When Emily and I finally make it to the restaurant I started to calm down. I never been this jealous of anyone before. I guess I'm deeper in love with my girl then I originally thought. And so what? I have a reason to be.

During dessert was when I started to get upset all over again. I noticed that a man sitting at the next table over kept looking my girl up and down. I didn't want to cause a scene so I just gave him the evil eye until he recognized me glaring and quickly left. I guess I still have a slight reputation in this town.

Except that right before we were about to leave, the waitress gave Em a piece of paper. At first I thought nothing of it. I figured it was the receipt. It wasn't until we got in the car that Emily handed it to me and I realized it was a phone number. Does this always happen to her everyday?

"Um baby? Do you know that woman who gave you this piece of paper?" I ask worried.

"You mean Talia? Yeah sorta. I come here a lot, I'm kind of a regular now" she states.

They're already on a first name basis? Are you fucking kidding me!?

"So nothing's going on between you and her?"

"No why?" She replies back confused.

"I was just wondering because she gave you her phone number and it says 'text me' with the xoxo on the bottom of the paper"

"That's weird. I never noticed her acting differently with me before. Maybe she just wants to be friends?" Em replies.

"Sweetie, no woman on earth puts the 'xoxo' when they want to be just friends. That woman wants to be your lover for God sake " I stated back in an angry tone.

Emily didn't say anything until we were already back in the apartment. Was she thinking of an excuse to tell me or was she really this naive?

"Em say something. You're starting to worry me"

"Ali babe, I promise there's nothing that you have to worry about" she finally speaks.

"Yes I do! I mean, do you get this kind of attention all the time!?"

"Um. Well....not all the time. It happens but when it does I just ignore it" she says looking straight into my eyes.

"What? Why haven't you told me this before baby?" I say extremely furious this time.

"Because no matter who is trying to hit on me I won't be interested in them. I don't give a fuck about being with anyone else but you babe. You're all I will ever want or need" she says as she grabs my hand to caress them.

"So what are you trying to say?" I ask confused. Does she really mean it or is she just saying it to make me feel better?

"I'm saying that you're the one. If it comes down to it right here and right now, I'd marry you in a heartbeat. You never have to worry about anyone else coming in between my love for you babe. I promise you"

I couldn't say anything in response to that. I just started getting teary eyed, because the whole time here I thought that I was the only one between us to feel that way. But yet again, my girlfriend seizes to surprise me.

"You're crying Ali. Shit! D-did I say or do something wrong? Does this mean, that you d-don't feel the same way?" Emily says snapping me out of my thoughts and back to the present moment.

"What? No baby. These are tears of joy. I was actually hoping to talk to you about all of this during lunch. But now that I know how you feel, it makes things a lot more clearer" I respond wiping away my tears.

Em then grabs me into a big hug and spins me around. "Does this mean we can get ice cream and watch a movie. I'm trying tired"

"Yeaahh nice way to turn a meaningful moment into a childish moment baby" I say with a giggle.

"Hey give me a break. I'm a big ass kid by heart and my attention span isn't all that great anyways. Plus I just really really wanna get ice cream" she replies with the cutest pout ever.

How could I ever say no to my girlfriend?

Updates on this and the rest of our stories might take a while to update for the time being. The main author on these stories is currently in ICU so she won't be able to write for a while. I apologize for the inconvenience it might have caused, but I will do my best to try and write along with update in her part..

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