Chapter 26: Bonding

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<Two Weeks Later>

Emily's POV

Things with Alison have been going great these past couple off weeks. The only down side to it is that she's been working a lot more lately. I wish I could do something to help her, but I have no idea how to. I never went to business school so I don't know how running a real estate company would even go. And besides even if I did try to help, I have a feeling I would just cause more of a mess then actually help.

That's why I just stay at home and plan my work schedule around hers so I can always be sure to greet my loving girlfriend with a nice hot meal when she comes home.

Since I'm not as great a cook as Alison, I decided to ask CeCe if she could help me. I wanted to make my girl her favorite dish for dinner tonight. And maybe while I'm at it, I could also ask Ce for help on how to surprise Ali for our fourth month anniversary next week. I definitely need to make up for tanking it big time last month.

I was about to knock on CeCe's door when I noticed it was slightly ajar and heard she was crying. I wonder what was wrong? I never seen her cry since the day I met her. She always seems so tough and sarcastic like Hanna, but with a giant sweet heart.

"Ce? Can I come in?" I ask worried as I push the door open a little bit more.

"Huh? Y-ye-yeah" she barely says through sobs. I never thought it would hurt seeing her this sad.

"What's wrong sis. Did you and Landon break up?" I ask as I go sit down next to her on the bed. Wait! Hold up. Did I just call CeCe sis?

She doesn't say anything, instead she reaches over to her nightstand and hands me a piece of paper that was previously laying there.

I took the paper and prepared myself for whatever it was that I was about to read.

It's your dad. I know I left you when you were a kid. I just didn't know what do with you. I met a new woman and made plans with her, truth was it was either her or you. I picked her. Now that things have crashed and burned with her I want to make things up with you again. I also heard that you came into some money when you turned 18 this year? Maybe you can help me out here? Anyways Happy late birthday CeCe.
Love Dad

Just reading that short letter both broke my heart and infuriated me to no end. I didn't even notice I started crying until a couple of my tears hit the paper. How could this asshole of a man leave his own kid for something that may not even last? And the nerve of that guy to just ask her for money out of the blue like it was nothing. He didn't even know how old his kid was. For gods sake she just turned 20 not 18!

"He didn't even want me. He only does now because Ali's family left me money" she replies with tears in her eyes.

"Don't let that pathetic excuse for a man get to you Ce. He doesn't deserve to have someone as big hearted and amazing as you for a daughter"

"It's not just him though! Ali's dad didn't either. No guy wants me"

"Well.....maybe you're playing for the wrong team. I mean come on look at me" I say sarcastically with a light hint of a laugh.

"No offense Emily, but I'd rather not get my sister's sloppy seconds"

"Okay. Now I'm offended. Besides how would you even know if we did anything?"

"Oh pa-lease! You have that girl screaming for God up in your room. If that's not getting it on, then I don't want to know what is" she says finally laughing. "What do you even do to get her to scream like that?"

"Well... Your sist--"

"Oh dear Jesus. No no no! Don't say anything else. Just shut up. I didn't mean it literally!" CeCe says shutting my mouth up with her hand.

"Well ya coulda fooled me!" I say laughing.


"Huh? For what?" I reply back confused.

"Cheering me up. You know I might not say this enough, but I'm really glad my sister has you. She really turned for the better the day she laid eyes on you"

"You're just saying that to make me happy. I'm suppose to be the one making you feel better here not the other way around" I say with a slight blush.

CeCe then pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "Owwey! You little blondes give some strong ass hugs. Are you like trying to break me in half or something? Because that's not exactly the way to do it" I respond, only earning me a light nudge from CeCe.

"Shut up. You know you like it" she says laughing. "So what brought you in here anyways, sis?" I then give her a weird look. "Oh yeah, I heard you earlier. Funny thing though. I always thought it would be Ali thinking that far ahead first. But you?"

I couldn't help but stare blankly at the wall, completely embarrassed. Because the truth was, I didn't even know I was either.

"Please don't tell Alison" was all I manage to squeak out.

"Tell her what? That you're already thinking about a future with her?" she asks with a wide smile. I just sit quietly and nod my head indicating 'yes'.

"Fine, I won't tell her"

"Thanks Ce. I really appreciate that"

"Yeah whatever. Just don't take too long okay. I want to be able to tell people that my sis in law is the hottest Asian bitch around"

"You know what c-" I managed to say before we heard someone coming into the apartment. Fuck! I completely forgot about Ali's dinner while I was talking to CeCe.

"What's going on in here girls?" Ali says coming into the room causing us both to freeze in shock.

"Just talking" CeCe replies quickly.

"Hey babe. How was work today?" I ask Ali as I get up to give her a small kiss and then pull her down onto my lap.

"Mmm a lot better now that I'm home with my girls. Did I miss something here?" she responds.

"Nope. I was just asking CeCe where we should go for dinner today" who knew I could lie that quickly and easily? Because I sure as hell didn't.

"What's the special occasion?" Ali then asks.

"No reason. I just want to take my beautiful girlfriend and her awesome little sister out to dinner"

"You do know I'm older than you right?" CeCe of course has to butt in.

"Maybe but you're shorter, so you're still little compared to me" I laugh causing Alison to laugh and CeCe to just shake her head at me.

"Only by like what 4 inches?" the younger blonde adds in.

"So what? You're still shorter then me. And Ali too. So I win" I say.

"Okay you two" Ali says, possibly stopping us from continuing a long banter that was about to happen. "So where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go? I reply.

"Hmm how about Rive Gauche?" she responds.

"Okay. Whatever my girl wants, my girl gets" I respond just getting a thumbs up and wink from CeCe and a kiss from Ali.

Ugh! Next week can't come soon enough, I'm already dying to surprise my babe. Just hopefully I can think of something by then.

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