Chapter 24: What's Going On?

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Alison's POV

I woke up around noon feeling extremely confused and sore. What happened last night?

As I was trying to get up to go shower and do my daily morning routines, I was stopped by a sleeping brunette clutching onto my torso.

Just then, all the memories from last night came rushing back to me. I couldn't help but feel ashamed and used. I wanted us to seriously talk about the fight we had, instead I just got fucked over, literally. But it's my fault, I suppose. She wanted sex and I couldn't say no to my baby girl.

After a while these thoughts began to give me a headache. Since I couldn't get up to get myself some aspirin without waking her up, I just decided to go back to sleep.

It wasn't until a few hours later that I woke up again, but this time to my girlfriend trying to go down on me. Well that was a hell of way to wake up. 

"Um Em, what are you doing?" I asked slightly confused.

"Getting breakfast" she says in between open kisses to the insides of my thighs, like its completely normal.

"I'm not in the mood right now. Baby please come up from down there and talk to me" I say as I pull her head up so that I can look into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Ugh! What is it this time?" she growls as she sits up to face me. Well that was mean.

I tried to cover myself up so we could have a distraction free conversation, instead she throws the duvet on the floor leaving us both completely exposed. "No! If you're going to make me talk to you, then I at least want something to look at" she says. What? Am I just some sex toy for her now?

I couldn't respond. I just sat there baffled. She then takes this opportunity and pushes me back down on the bed to continue with her ministrations.


After Emily got what she wanted, she got cleaned up and left. Worst part was that she didn't even tell me where she was going. All she said was not to wait for her.

Things like this are just starting to really stress me out. It's like I don't even know who my girlfriend is anymore. It's making me feel like we're just friends with benefits, since that's all she ever comes to me for.

Sad part was that I was even planning on making a romantic dinner for her tonight so that I could finally be able to ask her what was going on. But I guess she found more interesting plans elsewhere.

Since I wasn't in the mood to be alone tonight, I joined CeCe and the girls in the living room to watch some weird game show on TV with them.

"Hey Ali, where's Em?" Aria asks giving me a sympathetic look as I sat between Hanna and CeCe on the couch. Aria and Spencer were on the love seat across from us. Since I didn't trust myself to speak, I just shrugged to her.

The two brunettes then give each other a look, only causing the two blondes next to me to turn and stare in my direction. "Okay what did we miss out on now?" Hanna asks after a few moments of silence.

I continue to stay quiet, unsure of what to say. "Does this have anything to do with the loud ass sex coming from your room all night long?" CeCe asks making me blush.

"Oh so that's what that was. I thought I was hearing things" Spencer says making me feel even worse.

"How di-"

"I live directly below your apartment" Spencer says cutting me off.

"Oh my god! Ali!" Hanna blurts.

"So..I'm guessing you and Em made up?" Aria adds causing the blondes jaws to drop.

"You guys were fighting and didn't even tell me? Some sis you are!" CeCe adds.

"Well..not exactly" I say.

"Then what the fucks going on? I swear Ali! You better not of have hurt Emily!" Hanna says glaring at me.

"I didn't" I answer looking at the wall.

"Then what's going on? Why are you guys fighting?" CeCe asks grabbing my hand.

"I don't know okay! She's been acting really weird and distant. It's like we don't even talk anymore" I replied in the verge of tears.

"So last night? Were you fighting or having sex?" Aria asks

"The second one"

"What! What happened to not talking?" Hanna asks actually serious for once.

"I didn't want to say no to her" I say barely above a whisper.

"Damn sis! She got you whipped!" CeCe says making a whipping sound. Classy.

"I thought I would be on Em's side on this but damn Ali. I actually feel bad for you" Hanna says reaching over to rub my knee.

"Yeah what Han said" Aria adds.

"Why don't you try talking to her and see what's bothering her? Maybe she's going through something?" Spencer says thinking logically, like always.

"I tried, this morning. But she used me and just left right after. She didn't tell me where she was going or even say bye to me either"

"Do you think.. it has something to do with that guy from the brew yesterday?" Aria then adds.

"What!?" Both CeCe and Hanna yell in unison.

"Em's cheating on you with some guy? The nerve of that bitch!" CeCe says accidentally crushing my hand in the process.

"That bitch! I thought you were the toxic one but now I'm starting to think that Em is. I hate that I was wrong! " Hanna says just causing me to tear up.

Just then, we see the entrance door open and Emily walking into the apartment. Talk about perfect timing.

"What are you guys doing here? What's going on?" She says looking confused.

"What? We can't have a girls night in with our favorite blondes?" Spencer asks. Which is surprising, I didn't think she'd ever take my side on anything, if I'm being quite honest.

"How come you didn't invite me?" Emily asks.

"We were going to but you went M.I.A on us before we could even make the plans" Hanna answers with what seems like a lie. I wasn't even invited, I think?

"Okay.. Well I'm going to go to sleep then. I'm tired. Have fun, I guess" Em says as she walks to the hallway.

"Bitch" I heard Aria mumble under her breath. Okay now this was weird. Just months ago, they were all being buddy-buddies with Emily and treating me like that. And now it's the complete opposite? Talk about a parallel universe.

I usually would be mad seeing them treat my girlfriend like that, but I just didn't seem care anymore. Emily hurt me and she didn't even seem to care that she did.

I either have to talk and try to work this out with her or let her go. Either way tonight's the night I get this over with once and for all.

"Excuse me girls, I need to go talk to my girlfriend" I told the girls as I made my way to my bedroom.

Once inside the room, I gently made my way to sit next to my girl. "Emily, we need to talk. And this time there's no way you're getting out of this"

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