Chapter 3: My New Client

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Emily's POV

<Friday Morning>


I'm rudely awaken when my phone goes off. Ugh! Seriously! Who the hell calls at this hour? The sun isn't even up! Maybe if I don't pick up, they'll just get the hint and leave me alone?

Or not!

"Uh.. H-hello?" I answer with my raspy morning voice after the dreaded second or third attempted call.

"Oh sorry. Did I wake you?" some woman on the other side asks. She can't really be serious with that question, can she?

"No. No, you're fine. I always wake up at... 4:27 in the morning?" I question as I look at the brightly lit blue numbers on the clock rested on my nightstand. "So uh, who is this again?"

She chuckles, "It's Alison". There's a moment of silence as I try to remember who she was but only ending up failing miserably. "You know blondie? From this past Tuesday? I was the one that asked if you could be my trainer?"

"Oh yeah! Yeah, I remember now. Why are you calling me so early though? Wait! Don't tell me.. You need my help getting showered?" I joke, laughing.

"Ahaha no. But if you want, I wouldn't mind that one bit" she responded with a seductive voice. It almost sounded like she was flirting with me. Was she though? "Listen, I was just calling to see if you wanted to come over to my place for breakfast before the session today?"

I thought about it "Uh yeah sure. How about in a few hours. You know, when the sun is actually up?"

She giggled "Okay. Come over whenever you're ready then. I'm up in apartment A16. See you real soon, hot stuff" she husks out right before hanging up, not even giving me a slight chance to respond.

Okay, what the hell just happened? Did I just get punk'd?

<Later That Morning>

I couldn't help but be in complete and utter astonishment the moment Alison first let me in her apartment, it was easily double the size of mine.. and then some. Not to mention, it's filled with very expensive looking furniture. I wonder what she does for a living to be able to afford all this expensive stuff.

"You ok there? You seem.. weird. Here why don't you follow me to the kitchen. I hope you're hungry. I made breakfast. It's not much but it's the best I could do at the moment, you know considering my situation" Alison says glumly after a few moments, getting my attention away from her home and instead back to her.

"Yeah, sure. Lead the way"


"Thanks for breakfast again" I say after finishing my meal. Which I should say has easily been the quietest and most uncomfortable meal I've ever had in my entire life. Even though it was awkward, it was still surprisingly really good. I'm honestly surprised though because I didn't picture Alison as the type that could cook one bit. She looks much more like the high maintenance, spoiled type. "So um.. are you ready go and start your session? I say as I stand up.

"We just ate. Shouldn't we wait a while before starting?" she chuckles. "I mean unless you want to end up wearing my breakfast? I'm sure the bacon and eggs will look great on you" she then winks at me.

Um okay. Seriously what is wrong with this lady? I keep thinking she's just saying things to mess with me but I'm not entire sure since I don't really know her. Maybe it's just the way she jokes around? At least I sure hope that's what it is. "Yeah, you're right. I don't think that would be a good idea. Okay. Um, so yeah.. I'm just.. Gonna go back to my place then. You can call me when you're ready to leave and we can drive to my center together if you want?" I say as I slowly start to back away towards the door.

That only causes her to smirk widely. Am I missing something here? "Hmm I'd love to, depending on what kind of center we are talking about?" she says as she walks quickly towards me.

Ok yeah now I'm pretty sure she's messing with me. "Um my office building, you know where the equipment is at?" I blush.

Alison then looks down, "Oh well that's a bummer I guess".

"Anyways, I'll see you in a few. Whenever you're ready, just call me" I state. Though before I can turn around and open the door, she grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

"Well I was actually kind of hoping you would watch a movie with me in the mean time? I just don't like being by myself... Not after what happened" she pouts and gives me the biggest baby blue puppy eyes that I've ever seen.

"Ye-yeah. Um sure I think I can do that". Well shit! Now this is just getting plain weird.


She then pulls me away from the foyer and towards her living room instead. This is going to be one looong day after all.

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