Chapter 17: Problems In Paradise

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Alison's POV

It's been a week since the sleepover happened and things have just been going downhill more each day. The bad part is that our second month anniversary is next Friday. But the absolute worse part about it all is that I don't even know what went wrong between Emily and I or what I can even do to fix it.

It's like Emily doesn't even want to be in the same room with me anymore. Every time I suggest we go out somewhere she shoots it down, almost instantaneously. Could it be because she's ashamed to be seen in public with me?

It's not the first time that's happened to me in a relationship before. So if that's the only way that I can be with Emily, then I'll just have to get accustomed to it one way or another.

Although what makes it worse and much more difficult to accept is that she also avoids me in the house too.

It's like whenever I'm home, she's either out with one of the girls or working at the gym. That even includes during the night too.

And whenever I'm away at the office, that's when she comes home to sleep for a little bit only to leave again right when I get back. Sometimes even minutes before I get back home.

It's honestly taking such a huge toll on me that sometimes I don't even know how much longer of this I can take.

"CeCe hun, do you think I can talk to you about something?" I ask my sister as I join her on the couch.

"Yeah, what's up?" She says not looking up from her phone. Typical CeCe.

"It's about Emily"

She finally manages to drop her phone, for the first time I've seen today. "If it's about sex then hell no. It's bad enough I have to play some loud ass music at nights whenever you two get all touchy. You are loud Ali. Like extremely loud and I really don't wanna know why okay"

"It's not about that" I reply while blushing. Although I honestly don't think I'm as loud as she says I am.

"Oh. Then what is it?" she asks giving me a weird look.

"I uh.. I think Em hates me" I say beginning to get all teary eyed. Instead of saying something in response, she just comes to sit next to me and gives me a hug. "Did I do something wrong for her to not want to be near me anymore?"

She looks me dead in the eyes with a serious look. "Ali, you're so fucking stupid. Why would she hate you?"

"I-I don't know. That's why I'm asking you"

"Well.. when did you notice things starting to change?"

"Um, a few days after the sleepover I suppose" I answer.

"Then it's nothing" she says over confidently, completely dismissing the whole situation. Is she being serious with me right now?

"How can you even say that? Haven't you noticed that she's never around? When's the last time you even seen her and I in the same room!? It has to be because she probably doesn't even want to be with me anymore!" I respond somewhat angrily and frustrated.

"Once again Ali, you're over reacting. It's nothing"

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one loosing the one you love!" I snap back.

"God Ali. Calm the shit down. She's not leaving you. She's young, she's just enjoying life. You can't really expect her to enjoy it with you all the time. " CeCe says slightly raising her voice.

"I'm not enjoyable enough for her? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Next you're going to tell me that she doesn't even like having sex with me anymore"

"Eww God Ali! Didn't I just tell you that I don't want to know what goes on in your sex life!? I just meant that she's enjoying having friends and spending time with them is all" CeCe replies. "So stop being so damn clingy otherwise she will end up leave you for real"

"Easier said then done Ce"

"Well then try harder. Unless you wanna loose her, is that really what you want?"

"No" I barely manage to squeak out. "But what if she starts to like someone else? What am I supposed to do then?"

"Calm down" she answers slightly shaking me. "Besides why are you so scared of that. Its not like she's even talking to anyone. She only knows the girls and us. Who do you expect her to cheat on you with?"

"I don't know. Maybe Hanna, I guess. If only you actually saw the way she starred at her that night. She was practically eye fucking her" I say, now actually crying. "Em spends more time with Han than she does with me now. Shouldn't that mean something?"

"Gosh Ali. You're really overreacting. Hanna is as straight as a ruler. That wouldn't even be possible" CeCe says, laughing at me.

"Well so was Emily, until I really got with her"

"If you don't stop bringing sex up I'm just going to walk away okay" she says giving me a look. "And besides, Hanna will never turn gay. You know that. If anything, you'll need to watch out for guys when it comes to Em"

After hearing that, I just sat there nodding. As much as CeCe and I bicker and disagree, I know she'll always have my best at heart.

"Yeah you're probably right. Thanks CeCe, I don't know what I would do without you. I love you sis" I say giving her a hug.

"Love you too sis. Now how about you get me some dinner. I'm starving" she replies.

Now that's the typical CeCe I know and love. Way to turn a special moment into something else.

Emily's POV

<Meanwhile in Hanna & Aria's Apartment>

"Han I don't know if I can keep doing this. I'm sure Alison knows something's up" I say extremely worried.

"Don't be such a wuss. You can do whatever you want. Unless you get caught then who cares?" Hanna said with a smile.

"B-but what if she gets hurt?" I ask.

"Em she loves you. Of course she's gonna get hurt. You're so gonna break her heart when you tell her"

"So not helping!" I say raising my voice.

"I know." She says back while laughing. How can she laugh? This is a serious moment. "So are you ever going to tell her about whats going on or are you really just going to keep this a secret?"

I stay silent for a long  moment. "I have to tell her. But she's so gonna hate me for not telling her earlier."

"Gee. Ya think!?

"Shut up Han! This is serious. Once Jake and Alison find out about each other, I'm dead. What if Ali kicks me out? What am I supposed to do then?" I ask scared just thinking about it.

"Sounds like you should of thought about that before you met up with Jake and ignored Ali all week" Hanna says.

"Ugh! You're just making things so much worse Han. You think I don't know that? I'm already freaking out over here!" I say slightly yelling.

"Well that's your problem. You got yourself into this mess when you decided to switch teams. Just pick what you're going to do already. It's not like it's that hard to choose!" Hanna yells.

"I can't. I don't know what to pick" I say this time with tears threatening to fall.

"That's easy. Just choose the one who makes you most happy" she says giving me an honest smile for once. "Although If I were you, I'd choose that sugar mama of yours" she adds, ruining the moment.

"Wow. Han. Just wow. If you really want someone to spoil you, then why aren't you the one with Ali then?" I say sarcastically.

"Easy. I'm not gay. And apparently neither are you" she says with a smirk. "But seriously though. What are you gonna do about this then?"

I sit there for a while just thinking. "I guess I'm going to have to come clean and tell Alison and just hope for the best" I finally say.

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