Chapter 4: Movie Date...?

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Alison's POV

Real smooth Ali. I scold myself for seeming so damn desperate.

Although I must admit, it's a little bit strange to me that I don't seem to care how noticeable I'm coming off towards Emily. After all I've always had a much better control over my lust and targets then I have been having lately. I just can't quite seem to put my finger on to what it is that's making me so obvious and carefree around her.

Maybe it has something to do with how her chocolatey brown eyes sparkle when I look into them. Or the way her olive skin is just so baby soft, definitely the softest skin I've ever felt. Or maybe even the way her lips are so plump and go great along with her bone structure, especially with that adorable chin of hers. And her lean and toned body. And god those legs!! They just seem to go on for miles.

I just really hope it's not what I'm thinking off. As drop dead gorgeous as she is, I can't afford to fall for her. I just can't go through that all over again.

"Uh Alison?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as my 'trainer' waves her right hand furiously in front of my face.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"I was just wondering if you were going to push play on the movie? Maybe sometime today? It's been replaying the same menu scenes for a really long time now"

"Yeah. Let me go get the remote first" I reply. Good thing I 'forgot' to grab the remote when we sat down, because now I get to sit closer to Emily without making things even more obvious then they already are. "I hope you like scary movies" I say before finally pressing play. I decided to put on Insidious. Yeah, I know it's not a real scary movie. But it'll have to do since it's the only remotely horror movie I could find. Thankfully it shouldn't be too hard to do. Well, considering the surround sound system and darkened mood in the room and all.

Throughout the whole movie I couldn't think straight...literally! So I figured now would be a good time as any to put my plan into action.

I pretended to get scared by a loud noise I knew was going to happen any second now and ended up using that as an excuse to grab onto her hands. And as the movie supposedly got 'scarier', I got closer and closer to the tan beauty beside me. By the end of the movie, I was practically sitting on her lap hugging onto her for dear life.

Once the movie ended and after taking the movie out, I decided to break the ice, "So...what did you think of the movie?"

"It was okay I guess" she shrugged off.

Just okay? I have a bad feeling this girl is going to be harder to crack then what I'd originally hoped for "Yeah you're right. It wasn't anything special. So... You have a boyfriend or someone that you watch movies with?" Why the hell did I just ask her that? Now I'm sure I passed desperate and went straight to stupid.

"Yeah, but he's back in California. He's actually  coming tonight to visit for the week" she says with a wide smile, only causing me to frown in return. 

Ugh! Seriously! A boyfriend? No matter, I always enjoy a good challenge. It's no fun if you get everything handed to you without even trying "Oh that's great news. Maybe I'll get the chance to meet the lucky guy one of these days?" I ask with a huge fake smile plastered on my face.

"Yeah, maybe. But we should really get going now, before it gets any later. Unless you want to be there all night?" she joked. If only she knew.

"Oh honey, you have no idea" I wink before getting up and walking towards my bedroom to get ready for my session.

Emily's POV

So far today just keeps getting weirder by the hour. I just couldn't help but notice how touchy feely she was. Is she always like that? And why did she frown when she asked if I was seeing anybody. Yeah, now I'm starting to think that asking for this job wasn't such a great idea after all.

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