Chapter 20: I'm Sorry

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Emily's POV

When Alison told me my mother stopped by, I didn't know what to do. Hell, I didn't even know what to say either. I just knew that I had to fix this mess before it got any worse.

The more I thought about how bad this situation was, the more I started to feel sick. It wasn't until I ran to the bathroom practically falling on my face to throw up that I realized it was because of my massive hangover.

Usually I would try and sleep it off but this time I couldn't. Alison kept nagging me about why I got drunk in the first place and that just made me get angry. Mixing my anger and frustration with a hangover was always a deadly mixture to me. It made me unable to control what I say or do out of spite.

"Em I'm not going to ask you again. Why were you drinking? And most importantly where did you get it? You know you're not old enough to drink" Alison asks sternly.

I didn't respond. I didn't want her to know why I did it or how I got it. So I just stayed silent.

"Baby are you going to answer my questions or are you just going to sit there and stare at the wall?" she said raising her voice this time. God, she can really nag my ears off.

"It's nothing" I finally managed to say.

"It's not nothing. Now tell me why you were even drinking in the first place"

"I just felt like it, okay! I don't have to have an excuse for everything Alison. And I certainly don't have to explain anything to you either. So just do yourself a favor and drop it already!"

"I care about you Em. I'm just looking out for you because I want to make sure that you don't get into any real trouble"

"Why? Because I'm a fucking kid incapable of being fine on my own!?" I shout, startling Alison. "You know I actually thought you loved me like an equal. But instead, you just treating me like a lil kid. It's not like it's my fault that I'm younger than you"

She doesn't say anything in response. Instead she just starts crying, only making me even more frustrated. "So that's what I am to you then? Just a kid you can ground whenever I don't follow one of your rules!?"

"W-what? No! You're much more then that to me" she pleas.

"Pshh yeah. A fuck buddy"

"Baby lets talk a-" Alison said before we got interrupted by the doorbell. Since I couldn't stand being in the same room as Ali, I stormed out of our room to go see who was at door.

To my surprise, it was my mom.

Alison's POV

I can't believe what just happened! Did Em and I just have a fight? Does she really think that I'm treating her like a child? If only I could just tell her I'm scared to death of loosing her.

The sad truth is that I just can't seem to do that. I don't know how to express my feelings and fears that easily anymore.

I guess I better give it a shot and at least try before things really get out of hand between the both of us.

I was on my way to have a talk with my girlfriend until I stopped mid track when I noticed who was at the door.

All I was able to think about when I saw Emily's mother at the front door was that this was surely it. She kept her word and was finally going to get what she came here for, and that's taking my girl away from me.

"Can't I come in? I'm just here to talk. " Emily's mother asks, looking me directly in the eyes for the first time ever.

"Ye-yeah. Come in" I stutter.

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