Chapter 12: Explanations

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Emily's POV

I awoke this morning to the smell of blueberry pancakes and bacon. My breakfast favorites, but who was making it? I lived alone and as far as I'm concerned, I don't remember bringing anyone back to my house last night.

It was when I finally open my eyes to take the time to look around my surroundings that I see that I'm in Alison's bedroom again. What happened last night?

It's when I try to get up from the bed that I feel my legs extremely wobbly, soreness throughout my entire body and notice that I'm completely naked. That's when every memory from yesterday comes rushing back to me like a ton of bricks.

And great! Now I have a headache too!

I still can't believe I actually gave myself to Alison though, a woman, of all people. Although I'm much more upset at the fact that I gave it up so easily. I always thought I would wait until after marriage when I finally found my one. Heck, I didn't even get past making out with my ex, and that's that we been together for over a year. 

But then again.. I can't be all that angry after all since I clearly enjoyed it. I'd be a lying bitch if I said I didn't.

As I was bending down to pick my clothes up from the floor, Alison walks in the room with a tray in hand. It probably wouldn't of been so bad if my bare ass wasn't staring right back at her. I knew I should have been facing the door instead of having my back towards it. That way I would be able to notice her come in.

"Well good morning to you too sweetie" she says sarcastically, only causing me to blush even more from embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry Alison. I really am. I'll pay you back for everything" I tell her as I quickly try and shield myself with the clothing I had in my hands. "This is so embarrassing" I mutter to myself.

Instead of responding, she walks over to the nightstand to put the tray down then towards me with a straight look on her face. Oh shoot. She must be even madder at me then I originally thought she would be.

To my surprise, Alison grabs my hands and smiles at me. Why is she smiling, shouldn't she be furious I ruined her expensive bedding?

"Listen baby, it's alright. It's completely natural to bleed when you loose your virginity. As for the sheets, I don't care. They can always be replaced. The only thing I care about is if you enjoyed it?" she questions the last part.

I can't help but love the sweet names she gives me. No one in my entire life ever did that for me. That's even including my own parents while I was growing up. They always preferred my younger brother over me since he was the first born male and all. I smile not realizing a tear slipped past me, until she wiped it away with her thumb. "Honey, if you regretted it I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it" she later adds, this time looking as if she were about to start crying as well.

I don't like seeing her sad at all, so I hug her to prove to her that I'm more then okay. That action ends up earning me a wide eyed blonde in return. "I'm not sad, really. And I don't regret anything from last night, I promise. I'm just happy that for once someone is sweet and as kind to me as you're being. I never knew this would feel so good. Thanks for showing me that...babe?"

God it feels so weird actually saying that. I called other women babe and other pet names like that while joking around before but never in a relationship-y type of way. Hopefully I manage to get used to it so it doesn't feel as strange to me because after all we are dating. Which is even odder to me, but I'm starting to come around to that fact. Who knows maybe I'll end up liking it?

We look at each other's eyes for a few moments, until she breaks the silence. "Come on, sit down and eat. I don't want my girl to be starving at work". She is so sweet and caring towards me that it still manages to blow my mind away.

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