Chapter 33: The Answer

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Alison's POV

"May I please have your permission for your daughters hand in marriage?" I say extremely terrified of the outcome.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Pam asks as a look of horror appears on her face.

Emily's father just sat and stared at me with anger in his eyes. He didn't say anything. For a moment there I even thought that he was going to jump off the couch and literally kick me out of their home.

"Did you just ask us for our permission to marry our little girl? Even after I just told you that I didn't approve of your relationship with her? You're joking with me right?" Mr. Fields asks raising his voice.

At this point, I'm literally shaking and terrified. As much as I want them to be okay with it, I'm pretty positive that they'll say no.

"N-no sir" I say practically whispering.

"What in the world makes you think I would allow that to happen after specifically telling you what I thought?" Mr. Fields replies.

"Wayne give the girl a break. Why can't you see that they love each other?" Pam asks him, taking my side. Which is honestly really surprising to me.

"Because Pam! I will not allow my daughter to be hypnotized by this woman! How are you sure she's not being manipulated into being with her? Or she can just be buying her love with all the things she spoils her with. Because never in her god damn life has she ever said anything about settling down, let alone wanting to be with another woman! You can't tell me Emily, our daughter, automatically changed her mind all of a sudden when she went off to live on her own!" Em's father then shouts.

I couldn't help but cry even harder as I hear everything he is saying.

I was about to speak and ask him what I could do to change his mind, if that was even possible, when the front door opened and in walked my sister with Em and her brother. That was weird, they should be at the amusement park having fun instead of being here.

"Oh my god babe! What's wrong?" Emily says as she rushes and sits next to me pulling me into her arms. I couldn't help but feel safe, well the safest I felt all day anyways.

"Dad! What the hell did you do to my girlfriend!?" Em then says yelling at him.

"Emily, look I was ju-"

"Don't you dare 'Emily me'. Now tell me what the hell did you due to my girlfriend?" Em says cutting of her father mid sentence.

"I just told her that I don't approve of you being gay with her" he says nonchalantly.

"That's a real low blow dad" Jake butts in.

"Ali? Sis, are you okay?" CeCe says in a low voice as she comes to sit on the other side of me and rubs my back.

"Yeah, I'll be okay" I finally manage to say through my sobs.

"Come on Ali, were leaving this place and staying at a hotel for the rest of the week" Em then adds as she stands me up.

"You're not going anywhere young lady!" Mr. Fields says in a demanding voice.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do. You're not in charge of me anymore! You never cared what I did before so why the hell would you care what I do now that I finally found the person that truly makes me happy no matter what?!" Em replies back as she lets go of me to walk towards her father.

I was still feeling vulnerable to I turned to CeCe so she could hold me. "Shh. It's ok sis. I got you now" she says soothingly into my ear as she plays with my hair, knowing that that always helps calms me down whenever I'm feeling like this. .

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