Chapter 35: Birthday Planning

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<One Week Later>

Emily's POV

"CeCe I need your help. Please?" I ask desperately.

"Why?" she asks without removing her gaze off from her phone.

"I'm desperate. Alison's birthday is next week and I have no idea what to do or what to get her. Can you help me out please?"

"You're seriously asking me that?"

"Well yeah.. You're her sister, you know a lot more about her then I do"

"You're so stupid" she says laughing.

"W-what why?" I ask confused.

"You should know by now" she states finally looking up at me.

"What?" Ok yeah now I'm really lost.

"You should know that Ali doesn't care what you do or get her. You could give her an apple for all she cares and she'll be thrilled as fuck" she answers laughing.

"An apple? Seriously? I need to get her something she actually wants. You have any idea what that is?" I ask trying to be serious.

"You" CeCe mumbles under her breathe.

"What was that?"

"Nothing" she answers with a wide smirk. "Why don't you just take her on a trip somewhere? Like the beach or anywhere that isn't here"

"Um, why?"

"Birthday sex. Duh! Now for the love of God. Please don't stay here. I'm already scared enough. Just take her to like the beach or New York or somewhere. Just whatever you do don't stay here!" She says in a pleading tone.

"Wow Ce. I feel so loved" I say sarcastically.

"Don't look at me. That's Ali's job. And by the sound of things, you get plenty of that.

"You know what CeCe?!"

"Who and what now?" Alison says. Fuck! Was she here the whole time?

"Nothing. I was just saying how old you're going to be next week while Em here is still a little baby" CeCe blurts with a laugh.

"Ha ha very funny" Ali replies as she comes to sit next to me. Instead, I grab her by the hips and put her on my lap.

"Don't listen to her babe. She's just jelly because she doesn't look as fine as you" I say before kissing my girl.

"Okay gross. Can you take that somewhere else? I'm trying to FaceTime my boyfriend over here" CeCe says interrupting my make out session with my girlfriend .

"Fine..Buzzkill!" I reply as Ali grabs me by the hand as we walk out the room.


A few hours later, Alison and I were at the mall. Since I wasn't getting any closer to finding out what to get my girlfriend for her birthday in a few days, I decided to play the sneaky card and bring her here. I was going to let her look around and see what kind of things caught her eye.

That should help, right?

But no matter what stores we went into or what we did, Alison didn't seem interested in anything. I even brought up a conversation about her taking time off work so we could go on a trip for her birthday to celebrate, but she refused.

Now the question is why though?

Usually she would be more then happy to take some time off and spend it with CeCe and I, but now it's like the polar opposite. And the worst part is that she's not giving me an answer as to why. She just flat out says no to me. She almost never does that. Something has to be going on that I don't know about.

When we finally found a table in the Foodcourt to sit and eat the ice cream we got, I thought this would be the right time to ask her.

"Babe, how come you don't want to take a few days off work so I can take you somewhere for your birthday?" I ask her nervously.

"I can't really afford to take some time off at the moment. I have a lot of things to get sorted out and stacks of paperwork to go through" she answers as she avoids eye contact with me. Um okay, now that's odd.

She's the boss. The head honcho, can't she just get someone to do the work for her?

"What about your birthday?"

"Oh I'll be off that day so I can take you out to dinner. But I have to go back to the office the next day"

I just stare at her blankly. Was she really being serious with me right now?

"Ali, no. You're not doing anything for me okay? I want to be the one to do something for you, not the other way around" I state.

After that, I completely lost her focus. I noticed that she was looking at something to the far right of us with the sweetest smile imaginable. The moment I saw what it was that she was looking at though, I immediately got nervous. She was staring at a woman and her baby. A baby for Christ sake!

"Ali?" I say trying to get her attention without any luck. "Babe are you okay?" I ask again as I grab her hand this time.

"What did you say again, love?" She says, finally turning her gaze to me. "Have you seen that baby over there? Isn't he the cutest little thing ever?" she then adds.

Yeah, I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going at all. "Um no, why?" I finally manage to say.

"I just thought you might think he was cute is all" she answers while turning back to stare at him.

Oh god no! Please don't tell me that's what Alison wants. I'm so not ready for any kind of commitment like that at the moment.

Now I'm starting to think bringing her here was a bad move. I would of been better off by surprising her with jewelry instead.

Thankfully the woman and baby left soon after because things were getting awkward fast. I had so many questions as to how something like that would even happen between us, but I really didn't want to ask. Truth was, I didn't want her thinking about it. I'm like the farthest step away from a future like that right now.

"Hey baby?" Alison then asks me, interrupting my many unnerving thoughts.

"Um yeah?"

"Have you ever thought about how it would be like if we ever had a baby together?" she asks staring straight at me with a glint of happiness in her baby blues.

"I don't know. I never did before. I don't even know how that would work out with us. Why, do you?" I respond not being able to look away from her hypnotizing baby blue eyes as they sparkle in my direction.

"Maybe. I had a few ideas in mind, but I'm not sure yet" she says.

Fuck! Okay now I really am in trouble.

"Uhhm okay. What are they?" I ask bracing myself for whatever ideas she has to say.

"Well I really want a baby with your genes" she says.

Okay yeah. It's official. I am now terrified.

"M-mine? W-wh-what?" I stutter.

"Don't worry baby. Im not saying you have to. It was just an idea" she says giving me a peck on the lips. "Now come on baby. We have to get going before they close the mall with us in it" she adds with a light giggle.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

No god dang way will Alison get that from me. Now I really have to think about something to get her in place of a kid.

The thing is, I don't know what. And to make matters worse, I only have eight days to come up with something.

Fuck my life!

Don't know if this story is still catching your guys attention. So I was just wondering if I should keep writing it or stop while I'm ahead?

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