Chapter 7: Now What?

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Emily's POV

As I'm laying in Alison's bed, all sorts of thoughts began to go through my mind. Most of which have to do with the reason why I ended up here in the first place.

It's just, I still can't believe I walked in on my boyfriend banging some girl in my apartment. And not just anywhere either, but in my bed of all places. Did he seriously come all the way here to visit me just to do for that? If he was going to cheat on me, couldn't he just do it back home where it would of been a whole lot easier?  Its just a lot to wrap my mind around. 

Ugh! You know what? I don't care anymore!

Or at least I shouldn't care.

Because now that I really think about it, he wasn't all that great of a boyfriend to begin with anyway. Sure he has his good moments every now and then, but most of the time he was the type to always want or need something from me. And not recently either, but for as long as I could remember. Which only makes me feel even stupider for taking this long to realize it.

I guess what they say about love is true after all.  Love makes people dumb and do things they normally wouldn't do.

And in the end, his actions just proved to me how little he really cared about me while I loved him so much as to not care about any of his shortcomings.

Well whatever. It's time for me to move on. After all anyone is better then him right?

"Emily? Are you awake?" I hear Alison whisper out of nowhere. That's weird. I seriously thought she was asleep by now.

"Yeah?" I respond turning over to look at her in the dim lighting.

She stares at me for a long while before speaking, "You deserve a lot better then him, you know. I like you. Which is why I don't want to see you end up getting hurt. You should be with someone who would treat you right, just like how you're supposed to be treated"

Well that was very random and weird of her to say. Very sweet, but still so very weird.

After a long awkward moment of silence she speaks up again, "I'm sorry I kissed you. I hope you're not mad at me".

"I'm not. I just didn't see it coming" I honestly didn't. I mean I did get a little suspicious why she was always so touchy with me but I never in my life thought that she would kiss me.

A long moment of silence again.

"So you're not gay then?" She asks sounding somewhat.. scared?

"No, I'm not" I state, watching her face drop into one of sadness and almost making me feel guilty about it.

"But.. it can change I suppose. After all love is love, right?" I later add in hopes of not offending her any further. "Why? Are you?" I then ask, receiving a tiny glimpse of a smile in exchange.

"Yeah. I'm gay" she responds sadly.

But the real question is why? Is it because she's scared of being accepted for her sexual preference? Or was she a victim of being bullied because of it? In all my life I never knew someone that was gay before so this is all very new to me. But hearing about the struggles they have had to face in order to be treated as equals completely breaks my heart. I can only imagine the heartache she had to go through if either of those assumptions were correct. Plus it would also make so much more sense as to why she's been so mean before.

I touch her arm gently in order to get her attention, but to try and comfort her as well.

"Hey, don't be sad about it okay? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just as long as you're happy, that's all that really matters in the end. And so what? Who cares that you like boobs instead of balls? What's wrong with that? Heck I like boobs too, sometimes" I say, succeeding in finally getting a real smile out of her. "Plus the best of dating someone the same gender as you is that you get double the wardrobe. And what can be bad about that?" I then add, causing her to giggle this time.

I think I'm beginning to like her laugh. It's so bubbly and intoxicating and I just can't help but smile wildly, seeing her laugh like that.

"Hey Em?" she asks once she stops laughing, with a look of fright on her face instead.

"Yeah Alison?" I question extremely nervous, because what if she has something bad she wants to tell me? And what if that just makes things a whole lot worse, well worse then how they were earlier anyways?

"I-I ju-just. I w-was wondering. Um.. Uhh wouldyouliketogooutonadatewithmetomorrow?" She asks the last part as if it was all one word in a very quickly manner.

I know exactly what she said, or more like tried to say. But I figured I'll give it a shot and try to mess with her for a while, just to see if I can get her to laugh again.

"I'm sorry, what was that? You did say it in English right? Because I might look asian and all, but that doesn't necessarily mean I know how to speak any foreign languages, you know?" I tease, trying to pull off the most serious look I could get away with at the moment, without ending up in a fit of laughter.

The blank look she gave me in return was just priceless. She almost look offended but also a bit scared at the same time.

She opens her mouth a few times to speak but no words come out. Then after a few tries she finally asks very slowly and clearly, "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me." Bingo!
There it is.

At this point, I'm silently pretending to be thinking hard about her question. That is, until she speaks up again, "Bu-but if you don't. Th-then that's ok too. I mean you did just get out of a relationship. Or did you? I'm not really sure if you guys officially broke up or not. I'm sorry. It was all just so very wrong of me to assu-"I cut off her ramblings by putting my index finger over her moving lips.

"Yes" was all I say to her.

"Wait. What!?" the blonde asks surprised.

"I said yes. I'll go on a date with you" I answer again, without getting any form of response for a loooong time, only a wide eyed stare in return.

Okay. Abort mission! Abort mission! This so can't be good at all. She's not moving at all and it's been a very long time. What do I do? Oh shit! Bad move Em. Bad move! I think you just broke her!

I mentally curse myself for not knowing how to properly react. First time in this unique situation or not, it still can't be good.

"Yes! Okay so tomorrow morning I'm taking you out on a special date. Im going to cheer you up after all that you been through today" she responds with a huge cheeky smile on her face.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure you need the cheering up more then me" I laugh.

"How about we agree to disagree?"

"Fine" I mutter, unhappy that I didn't win this little banter between us.

"I really think we should be getting some sleep now. I wouldn't want you to be tired on our first date"


"Sweetdreams Em" She says before pulling me into a cuddle in which one of her arms is over my body, making her the bigger spoon.

Well this aught to be really interesting, especially since I never went out with another woman before. Never even remotely thought about it before either.

But what's the worst that can happen? After all it can't be any worse then my cheating ex boyfriend, right?

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