Break-In Nightmares

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Date: 8/10/21 - Monday pm/Tuesday am
Food Eaten: Rice Crispy treats, 2 hours before Bed (sugar probably caused nightmare)
Other Nightmare Contributors: I had read a non-fiction book of a guy explaining a break-in and was shot but survived.

Dream #1: Break-in

I dreamed a bunch of people came in, threatening to kill me. They chased me around the house. There were kids in my dream and I defended myself against a woman and took out her eye.

Dream #2: Asian Roommate and the Open Door

I dreamed I lived in a two-story house. I had an older Asian roommate that lived in a room upstairs. I fell asleep on the floor and woke up with the door wide open. I was alarmed and checked the house for break-ins. My roommate was in the garage asleep. I asked him why he had been sleeping in the garage. He was covered in dust. The entire garage had a layer of dust. He came in asking for beef on cake or something like that. I told him I didn't know that recipe.

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