Rapture Dream and a Nightmare

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Date: 8/21/21
Day: Saturday AM

Dream: Rapture

I was watching from a cliff (though it looked indoors) and saw the world below. There were two other people with me, a man and a woman. The rapture horn sounded and someone happily said, "It's the Rapture"

We went down and saw Jesus. He selected a few out of everyone there, including me. Jesus gave me a question involving math. I said the answer and he had a stopwatch and said, "Time!" Everything froze in slow motion around him.

Dream: Nightmare

I dreamed I heard from a girl that some doctor got out of jail and was a murderer. At first, I saw a hand (didn't see a face for this part) holding a knife and tried to slit my throat. The person was about to kill me. I whispered, "I forgive you." The hand shook and left, but that wasn't the end of the dream. The doctor from earlier found me, he had an Australian accent. He thought I was Australian and I told him I was American. He was bragging about how they were going to honor him at his funeral. He tried to choke me, I couldn't pry his fingers from my throat. I felt the pain as if it were real.

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