All The World's A... Fake Stage

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Monday PM /Tuesday AM

Dream #1: All The World's A...Fake Stage

There was an important billboard. It was cut off so you had to pay to see it and it was surrounded by water that you were not allowed to go into. I had someone with me, we got a couple of chairs to put in the water, that way we weren't touching the water and following the rules. The stairs were a hologram and as soon as I stepped on stage, it was plastic and started to sink. Everybody moaned in disappointment. I never saw the billboard.

Dream #2: Flying Cars and Sleepy Drivers

I was in the backseat of a car filled with 3 other people. The cars were flying but the drivers fell asleep. I did my best to steer the car and land it. The gentle crash woke everyone up and they all were prepared to go to sleep when they were awake before.

Dream #3: The Apartment Across The Lake

I moved into a broken-down apartment and the only way to get to it was by boat. The people helping me were a bit upset that we had to make trips across a lake. It was dark out and I couldn't see well.

Dreams 4 & 5: Flashes

I saw a teenager on the bus. She looked like my character Danelle Eris. She had white-blonde hair and gorgeous eyes. She pointed at me over and over but I didn't understand what she was trying to say.

I saw a light bulb, flash before my eyes. It was long shaped and resembled a fairy light.

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