4. mean girl

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high school

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high school

ALICE has been tutoring me for a week now and let me just say that our relationship has not progressed in any way. When we meet up she right away gets to the tutoring part and avoids any type of conversation.

What I find more crazy is that I hadn't seen her before. East Grove high isn't a large school necessarily, so not knowing her is just ridiculous. However, she somehow looks familiar. Like if I'd seen her face somewhere else before. And as corny as this shit sounds, she has the face of an angel. There is no other way to say it. It's her smooth features, the shape of her eyes, tiny nose and her lips: they're perfectly roundly shaped. Big and full.

And even though she refuses to answer personal questions and refuses to be my friend, there are a few things I learned about her all on my own.

One: she's part of the school paper committee.

Two: she's mean and kind of a bitch.

At first I thought she was putting up a front since I know she's not a fan of the jocks but watching her this week, I realized it's most definitely not a front. She's actually mean and sarcastic as fuck.

Concentrating back on my work, I continued reading the assignment and once I was done we went over the key points of the chapter and she quizzed me. It was hilarious how she watched me, as I answered her questions correctly. Almost like she's surprised that I understand the material and that I actually know how to read.

Like an idiot I must be smiling because Alice scowls at me. "What's so funny?" Her tone full of annoyance.

"Your face." My tone is full of amusement. And I'm aware that my response was childish as fuck but she made it too easy. If she was gonna be mean to me I don't see why I can't be mean back, even if I'm just messing with her. "You have this dumb look on, like you thought I couldn't read or some shit."

Alice shrugs. No expression on her face. "Well you do need tutoring."

What a little shit.

I simply laugh at her asshole remark. Because I know for a fact she means that. Alice thinks I'm some dumb jock who can't pass his classes cause I only care about football, girls and parties. There isn't greater pleasure than proving people wrong.

She rolls her eyes at me for the millionth time. There isn't anything more satisfying than to not only prove her wrong but to also annoy the shit out of her by brushing off her indifference.

"Is it that time of the month or are you always this bitchy?" I ask.

And if looks could kill—I'd be dead right now. "I'm not bitchy. I just don't like you." Her tone is flat.

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