15. word vomit

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MY jaw dropped to the floor the moment my girlfriend walked in the club. That burgundy dress clinging to her perfect slim body, accentuating her small waist and incredible long legs.

Alice is gorgeous. The type of gorgeous that you can't miss. A redhead with soft features and plumpy lips. She's tall, thin, and has legs for days. But what made me fall for her, was her personality. Her mind heart and mind.

I leave the instruments on the stage and hop down to walk over to her. "Hi," I smile, wrapping my hands around her waist. I'm happy when she smiles back, greeting me with a kiss.

Violet and her boyfriend Miguel walk in right behind her. "Hey." She smiles greeting me in a side hug. While Miguel shakes my hand.

"Dang, you're performing up there?" Miguel spits looking up at the large stage behind me. "Fucking rockstar!" He playfully adds and I laugh.

Miguel is a cool guy. When I met him during the summer, we got along great. It was Johnny who I didn't really get along with (and they happen to be best friends) but I'm not dumb enough to think that Miguel doesn't know about it. But I'm not a confrontational person so there's no open problems here.

Alice and Vi are roommates, turned best friends and now they're like sisters. So, obviously I'm gonna do my best to get along with her friends.

With Johnny it's the situation about their relationship and how close they are. In my opinion he has feelings for her and Alice doesn't wanna accept that because she doesn't wanna lose the friendship. Which is very understandable. I just wasn't comfortable with that and she reassured me about her intentions and I believe her.

Still, I know they've had some kind of issue because currently they're not on speaking terms. A, refuses to tell me what happened and I don't wanna pressure for anymore details either.

I just know, she's unhappy.

The venue continues to get full and I'm pulled on stage now.

A couple of friends from school started this band for fun which later turned out to be serious when they discovered how good they actually were. Nate asked me to be their drummer permanently when it all became serious and now here we are.

Alice and her friends along with friends of mine and Vi stand right here in the very front of the stage.

The welcoming feeling that I get when I look down at her and see that she's mouthing the words to the song is like no other.

I had told her to listen to a few of their songs that both Nate and Jesse had put together. But I never thought she'd actually like the songs.

After an hour of performance we're hit with applause and cheers before exiting the stage.

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