49. i peaked

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To think that next year will be my last one at Calvary brings such a bittersweet feeling to me. I'll be graduating and forced to become a grown up, with an actual grown up life and job. No more Frat parties and beer bongs and weed.


I'll be an adult with bills and shit.

All that worry washes away when I see Alice coming out of her art class. I lean back on the brick wall as I wait for her. She's wearing a tan skort, with a white long sleeve shirt shirt tucked in and her high top converse. Even though it's April, there's still a chill in the air, but at least everything is starting to look green again.

The moment she spots me, she jogs over to me with a smile. "Are you waiting for me?" Her tone playful, when she finally reaches me. I nod and pull her into me by her waist. Softly she plants a kiss on my lips. "Hi." She breathes.

Leaning down, I whisper over her lips. "Hi."

We've come a long way, Alice and I. At the beginning of this year she was dating someone else. We even got into a serious fight...I don't even know how it all just crumbled and after years of friendship, we finally admitted our feelings about each other and now here we are. Happy. In love. Engaged?

I'll admit, telling Alice to marry me right after sex—if I'm getting technical, I was still inside her when I'd suggest marriage—was not my finest moment. It was actually more like word vomit. I didn't mean to voice it just yet but it happened. Her reaction however is what saved me from embarrassment. She giggled and assumed I was playing so naturally, I went along.

After spring break we finally got to discussing it but only after she told me she had a pregnancy scare.

I think it's safe to say that after everything, we've been through we're getting better at communicating things to each other.

We agreed that after she graduated, we would get married but definitely wait on kids. Eventually we do want that but right now, we need to enjoy being young and adapt to each other. Both of us want to know what it's like to live together and get to know each other as we grow.

Because just like our relationship, when the time is right...babies will come.

For now, it's just me and her...making plans for the summer.

"Why are you so quiet?" Her soft voice pulls me from my thoughts as we walk hand in hand back to her place.

"I was just thinking that next year will be my last one here."

Alice playfully pouts. "I know. It will be so lonely without you."

My head shakes with laughter. "Yeah, joke all you want but you'll be crying without me here. Just watch."

And it does suck that she'll still be here and I won't but Long Island is not too far and then there's also her dad who was super nice enough to offer me to stay with him at his new rental up in Burlington. Alice loved that idea but I'm still deciding on what to do.

Whatever the case may be, we're going to make this work.

With a sigh, she responds. "Oh I know! Remember when you graduated high school and didn't talk to me? Cause I do. And let me tell you, I did cry and I did miss you." Her tone is playful but I can't help feeling the guilt that hits me in the gut.

"Babe," I stop abruptly, tugging on her arm. "Do you have to remind me of horrible times?" I realize that I sound like a child right now complaining but I don't like being reminded of those times when Alice wasn't in my life.

My life consisted of extreme partying, sticking my penis inside all these girls who'd throw themselves at me and let's not forget my occasional nights of poppin' molly. Some might think it sounds like a great time but I was in a dark place and it took me a while to pull myself out of it. So glad I did though.

Alice chuckles. "Aww, I'm sorry babe." She leans up on her toes placing a kiss against my cheek. "I was just teasing. I know it won't be like that. But yes, I will miss you for sure."

I pull Alice into me, my hands automatically wrapping around her waist. "You're right, it won't be nothing like that. Cause we're together now and we'll talk every day." Leaning down, I gently nip her bottom lip. "And when I come to visit you, I'll fuck you soft and easy, all night long, make you sweat and shake underneath me." She shivers and great...cause now I'm hard just thinking about it.

Clearing her throat, Alice wraps her hands at the back of my head. "Why wait until then?" Her smirk full of mischief.

"You're right." I say back and without warning I throw her over my shoulder. I smack her on the butt, and Alice squeals, then laughs.

She's is right though. There's no point in waiting.

This is what actual happiness feels like. To love the most perfect person ever and to have her love you right back.

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