36. maid of honor

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The constant vibration of my phone breaks into my sleep

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The constant vibration of my phone breaks into my sleep. When it stops I fall back to a deep sleep, until the annoying object goes off again. I wanna ignore it but at this point, it's impossible.

My hand reaches out, hoping to somehow reach my phone from here without having to actually sit up. But it's not working. I shift a little on the bed and feel Johnny's arm weighing me down. I blink my eyes open and smile to myself when his tattooed arm comes into focus.

Last night we made up. I didn't let him apologize anymore but instead he promised me that it wouldn't happen anymore. And I'm choosing to trust in him.

Just glad we were able to spend the rest of the night having some fun and at midnight we got be together and I got my New Years kiss. From the only person I've ever wanted.

Even though Aaron stayed there with his date he mainly remained on the dance floor and even when he was back at our table there was zero drama. I didn't expect Johnny to talk to him right away but I'm glad he kept his promise.

I understand why Jay feels the way he does. I'm not saying he's not aloud to feel upset but he can't be going around getting mad at people because they were with me. It's like if I would be mad at Zo for dating Jay. Yes, she knew I liked him but he wasn't mine to claim or to keep from her. The past is the past and I just wanna move forward.

Speaking of Zoe... my phone vibrates again and it's her name on the screen. In one quick motion I sit up, accidentally pushing Jays arm and the covers off me. "Hello?" I whisper. And I don't know why but I panic when I notice myself completely naked.

"I'm sorry to wake you." Zoe chimes from the other line sounding completely wide awake. "But I was dying to give you some news." She continues in a cheerful mood.

I clear my throat. "It's okay. What's going on." I try to gently move off the bed without waking Jay up. And I'm glad when he shifts turning to the other side.

"Are you okay?" Zoe asks. "You sound a little off."

Guilt pricks at me but I push it away. "Yeah, I'm just hungover. My head hurts a little." I say with more certainty and finally climb off the bed. "But it's okay, tell me your news."

Zoe sighs. "Okay, well please don't be mad but...." And she pauses to squeal with excitement. "I'm engaged!"

I'm currently walking around the room naked looking for something to put on when she drops that bomb on me and I trip on my shoes and almost fall.

Engaged? I didn't even know she was seeing someone serious. Then again I guess I'm not the only one keeping secrets.

"Alice?" Zoe lowers her voice. "Are you there?"

Quickly, I shake out of my thoughts and answer. "Yes. I'm here. Sorry." And I walk back to the bed and sit. "I was just caught off guard, that's all. I mean... I didn't know you were seeing someone."

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