6. what's your story?

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high school

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high school

AFTER the night Johnny gave me a ride to my house (down the street from him) things between us have been much more calm. By that I mean: I toned down my hostile attitude towards him and stopped acting like a raging bitch.

He gave me a ride when he didn't need to. Thinking about it now, I wouldn't have given myself a ride.

Still he remains calm and patient with me. He even brought me a juice box last week while we studied and chocolates the week before that.

I'd say that's progress.

I'm still a bit shocked finding out we live only a few houses from each other. But that just shows how zoned out I am from all the kids in school.

School for me is more work and less socializing. I don't eat in the cafeteria during lunch like the rest of the students—I head over to the editing room with my friends to get some things done while we eat. I don't attend house parties, sporting events, or dances (unless I'm required to for yearbook purposes) so yeah, I failed to realize that a football player lived right up the street from me.

The last bell of the day rings, shaking me from my thoughts. Gathering all my books, I stuff everything in my book bag and head for my locker. It's Wednesday so I'll be tutoring Johnny again today. But first I was gonna stop at the editing room and print out some quick prints.

Thankfully the room is alone and quiet. I get to just do my business as fast as I can and head out without any interruptions.

I don't waste anytime taking out my camera and hooking it up to the computer.

Five minutes later my peace and quiet is interrupted when Nina walks into the room. She glances my way and gives me a friendly smile. But I know she doesn't like me very much. I nod back with half a smile and look back to my work.

"Hey, you're tutoring Johnny right?" She asks, while pulling out her laptop, no doubt working on the school paper. She is after all vice president of the school committee.

Without looking at her I simply say, "Yup." and continue my work.

"Cool. Do you know if he has a girlfriend?" She asks each word with a small pause like feeling embarrassed for asking me that. Which she should be.

This time I don't think. I just act. Slowly turning my head over to look at her, I can feel my eyebrows pulling in together. "Why would I know the answer to that?" My voice in almost a whisper.

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