Chapter One

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"You win, you lose. It's a chance you have to take with love." - It's a hard life by Queen.

Scarlet's POV:

People have argued over the meaning of it for centuries. Some consider it to be one of the oldest, most amazing, feelings in the world while others think it doesn't even exist.

Many believe it to be a connection to something greater than ourselves, comforting us during times of despair and loneliness. A feeling that each and every human being longs for in their lifetime. While others think it's just another means by which they can hurt someone else.


It's extremely subjective, influenced by our understanding of literature, music, cinema, religion, and life experience.

For me, love is a feeling as old as time. We've all experienced or seen it in action one way or another-- your dad whispering something to your mom eliciting a giggle, the obnoxious couple making out in the hallway, your friend canceling her plans to watch a movie marathon with you. Love is everywhere, weaving its way through every aspect of our lives. But true love is appreciating the mundanity of a life with someone else, celebrating the hope of building a real commitment to someone.

Nowadays, true love seems to be more of a fantasy we see in movies than something that can be experienced in real life. Because the heart-wrenching reality is that love comes with the willingness to trust someone with your heart and soul, making yourself vulnerable and open to hurt. And over the years, people seem to have forgotten the importance of it and instead use it as a means to hurt and manipulate others.

As someone who has spent her whole life fearing the world and what it has to offer, I can confidently say that my definition of love is heavily influenced by fiction. It's not that I don't want to fall in love with my charming prince and live happily ever after, it's just the fear of emotional damage that's keeping me in this glass dome.

The day that magical glass dome succumbs to the efforts of my lover then I'll face my fear of the world. Until then, I'm not happy but okay with my life just the way it is.


After eighteen years on this planet, there was never a time in my life that Monday mornings were something I looked forward to. There was always this particular heaviness to the atmosphere that weighed down my spirit.

This one was no different. And to make the morning even worse, the grey clouds that blanketed the sky told me that rain was just about ready to burst from the sky. I always hated the rain, it was another thing in this world that always ruined my mood.

My alarm rang off at the usual 6:00 am. However as usual I laid in bed for the next thirty minutes counting the small cracks in the ceiling of my bedroom. 27 small cracks to be exact.

Weirdly, it was something I enjoyed doing. More often than not, it guaranteed a panic-free day which automatically put a smile on my face. Something about tallying the small indentations brought somewhat of a calm over my body and mind.

After my routine, I lazily sauntered out of bed, strolling into my bathroom. I always felt weird about walking butt-ass naked in my bedroom. So I waited till I was in the privacy of my bathroom before I shimmied out of my undergarments and stepped into the shower.

I often took cold showers in the morning before school. Not because I enjoyed but because it always gave me the right amount of energy I needed to get through an entire day.

And I needed the energy now more than ever if I wanted to keep my grades up. I planned to enroll in a college on the east coast so failing my senior year was not an option.

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