Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all that pretty...And with every touch you fixed them." — Just Give Me a Reason by Pink

Scarlet's POV

I complied, laying bare and still like prey waiting for its predator to feast on its flesh. But I wasn't scared or worried that he would hurt me. I knew Phoenix would treasure this moment and make sure that I too reaped the benefits.

The problem was me. Was I broken? Could this end in me making a fool out of myself? Imagine if I can't cum. These doubts and unanswered questions had me instinctively pressing my thighs together as discreetly as possible, not wanting him to sense my apprehension.

"Don't move them," he commanded, referring to my arms sprawled above me. I saw the small, shadowy outlines of movements until he reached the bed to carefully withdraw my hair tie allowing the chaos of my curls to cascade down my shoulders.

"Why'd you do that?" I protested. Even in the darkness, I still hated the fact that my hair was on display.

"I prefer your hair like this," he responded.

I couldn't deny the slight curiosity he had invoked in me. I wanted to try something new, deep down I yearned for this. But I just couldn't seem to stop shaking.

"Don't be scared," he said, his body language and expression were frighteningly patient. "I won't do anything, you aren't comfortable with." His reassurance brought about a sense of ease on my nerves. I simply nodded in response, not wanting him to hear the crack in my voice from the dryness of my mouth.

"You said you enjoy reading books." Phoenix's voice was reduced to a whisper of seduction. He leaned over, the pad of his lip tickling my ear lobe. Now sitting in the chair propped against the bed, bent over my naked with his stretched state against the mattress. Of all the things he could have said at that moment, he chose that. This man never ceased to surprise me.

He better be going somewhere with this. I thought to myself.

"Well, an orgasm is similar to reading a book," He explained, placing his hand on both of my wrists bringing them closer together above my head to the point where I could feel the hammering pulse of each wrist against the other. The gesture seemed similar to a pilot instructing his passengers to fasten their seatbelts. It was like Phoenix was gearing me up for a dangerous yet worthwhile experience.

"You don't jump to the climax of a book without a build-up...Not if it's done right at least." I could feel the warmth of his breath caressing the delicate, susceptible skin of my cheek. And my heart along with all my various organs vibrating within the confines of the ribcage, pushing its way to freedom.

"You have to start with small, featherlight touches against the skin." His fingers steadily traveled along my arm, at an agonizingly slow pace. "Touches that leave the body wanting more...Touches that leave you aching and desperate for that painfully, exquisite relief. The beginning of the ultimate experience of pleasure."

My eyes closed as his fingers slowly descended over my arms, calling forth goosebumps in their wake. The tips brushed that overly sensitive spot on my neck that had my lips parting involuntarily in relief and pleasure. By this time, my body felt relaxed and the taut hold I had on my thighs had let up and I was ready.

"Oh God," I breathed.

With the rims of my mouth separated, Phoenix took the opportunity to run the pad of his thumb against my lower lip pulling it gently. "You have exquisite lips." Even in the onyx vastness of the room, I could still somehow see his gaze drop to my mouth as he moved his face closer to mine until our foreheads touched. He then brushed his mouth across mine. Just barely. Just enough that a tingle of excitement ran down my spine, reminding me how much I missed his lips against mine.

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