Chapter Thirteen

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"You've been on my mind,
I grow fonder every day." -One and Only by Adele

Scarlet's POV

Ok Scarlet you got this. Just ignore him. It's that simple.

After snoozing my alarm for thirty minutes too long. I finally mustered up the energy to throw my legs onto the floor and get out of the bed.

My body was on the verge of collapse and my eyelids barely stayed opened long enough for me to see where I was going.

I was exhausted.

My restless mind kept me up all night with the thoughts of him. Anytime I closed my eyes, I imagined his face and his phenomenal body. The way he would clench his jaw whenever he was in deep concentration or the way his touch would send jolts of warmth through my body every single time.

He was everything I craved yet everything I tried to stay away from. The lines I had drawn so distinctly were beginning to blur and that's why I needed to nip whatever was happening in the bud before it could spiral out of control.

I lazily dragged my feet into the bathroom, tracing the slight bags under my eyes with the pad of my finger. Upon seeing my reflection in the mirror and my evident fatigue, my heart ached.

This wasn't me.

Scarlet Rose would never allow the thoughts of an egoistical, self centered sorry excuse for a man to keep her up at night.


Since I took a shower late last night I decided to skip one this morning.

Yes I'm one of those people. If I was clean before I went to bed, then I slept in a clean bed and woke up the same, why should I take another shower?

So I splashed two handfuls of cold water against my warm face. And a rush of energy shook my body causing the corner of my lips to curl into an assuring smile.

I could do this.

Just Ignore him. It's that simple.

I quickly finished the rest of my morning routine and this time I sported a pair of my favorite grey sweatpants, a black hoodie and I placed my hair in a low bun. The usual.

The last time I chose to step out of my comfort zone, it turned out to be one of the best and worst days of my life.

I sauntered down the stairs with my backpack in hand, heading towards the front door.

But then I stopped dead in my tracks, dumbfounded by the sight before me. I stood there frozen, my mouth agape with shock.

My mom busied herself in the kitchen, wearing her blue apron, the one my dad and I got her a couple years back. Spots and stains were scattered all over it due to the fact that she wore it everyday for six years.

The last time I saw her in it was when she and dad were still together.

We used to wake up in the wee hours of the morning on Saturdays just to make breakfast. In other words my mom would do the cooking while my dad and I tried to help, destroying the kitchen in the process.

My lips curled into a soft smile, as my mind drifted to the fond memory.

"Morning mom," I said as cheerfully as possible, coming back to reality.

I decided not to make a big deal out of her cooking. So I walked casually up to the counter, taking a seat on one of the stools while greeting her with my brightest smile.

She positioned a plate of chocolate chip pancakes, covered with syrup, in front of me.

My favourite breakfast meal.

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