(Chapter 1) You're Straight To The Point

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I had my eyes closed, resting my head against the window of the car. Earbuds in as always as we drove. The car screeched to a stop and I slowly opened my eyes. "Y/n we're here!" Mom called as she exited the car. I followed suit, slinging my bag of essentials over my shoulder. Amy, my other mom, had warned me to pack a bag in case the moving truck didn't show up the same day we did. 

I stepped out onto the driveway. I made my way to the door waiting for whoever had the keys to unlock it. Mom walked over and swung the door open. I leaned against the doorframe, glancing around the living room, taking it all in. It was your average two-story house, open concept. "Kiddo your standing right in the way." Amy huffed, carrying in some stuff.

"Sorry," I mumbled following her into the kitchen.

"You're lucky. You get first dibs on rooms since your sister hasn't arrived yet." She said, putting some snacks into the cupboard. I perked up, running straight upstairs. I'm glad I chose to ride with them instead of Quinn then. I thought while smirking.

I obviously choose the room that was the biggest and I was happy because the walls were already black, so I wouldn't have to paint them. Quinn wasn't gonna be happy with me because the room I didn't pick was bright pink. I chuckled devilishly as I started to put away the stuff in my bag. 

As I was putting things up, I saw Quinn's red Volkswagen van pull up to our house. I loved her car, it was her dream car and she got it for her eighteenth birthday. I soon heard boots stomping up the stairs.

"Hey, sis." A voice called nonchalantly. I turned to see Quinn leaning against my door frame. She was my rebellious older sister. She wore leather jackets, patch pants, distinct makeup, but most importantly her red liberty spikes.

"Hey," I replied with a smirk. 

"I brought your pet rats up." She said setting the carrier down.

 "Thanks, so have you seen your new room?" I giggled. 

"No, I just got here. Is it this room?" she pointed at a door, opening it she shrieked in disgust.

"Fuck. Why couldn't I pick first?" She grumbled.

"You snooze ya lose, and you just happened to show up late," I said smugly. 

"I hate you sometimes." She sighed.

"Girls the moving trucks here!" Mom called from downstairs. I scampered down the stairs, Quinn slowly behind me.

"But Mom I don't have the energy to move anything. I've been driving for six hours!" Quinn complained.

"Well, why don't we get pizza? Will that remedy your problem?" Amy piped up. We all nodded in agreement. 

"Since Quinn's tired why don't you go pick it up Y/n? I'm too busy to call the place and you can get a feel for the town." Mom said getting some cash out of her purse. She handed it to me and I walked out the door. A pizza place can't be that far. This town's pretty small, I thought as I put my earbuds back in. 

I strolled down the street until a store caught my eye. It was a record store. It wouldn't hurt to just have a little peak, would it? I opened the door and looked around. I browsed the CDs, looking at some Green Day ones.

"Ah, Green Day good choice." A male voice said from behind me, making me jump.

"I'm sorry I startled you. I'm Frank, Frank Iero." He said, offering his hand to shake which I did. He was only about three inches taller than me. With hair that was bleached and shaved on the sides. 

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