(Chapter 8) A State of Confusion

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I woke up groggily rubbing my eyes, annoyed at the bright sun beaming through the window of an unfamiliar living room. I had a pounding headache and I was overall confused. This wasn't my house, where was I? Thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to remember the events leading up to my awakening, then it all came back. The party, the eventual kiss, then passing out on the Way's couch. 

I suppressed those deep thoughts, saying to myself that I needed my morning coffee before dealing with that situation. I got up and went to the coffee pot, brewing myself a cup and drinking it rather quickly. In the middle of my coffee slurping, I realized that I was still in the outfit from last night and went on an excursion to find some comfier clothes.

My feet led me to down the stairs to the basement, I barged in unannounced and rummaged through Gerard's dresser. 

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" He grumbled, I hadn't even noticed that he was up and currently getting dressed. He only had pants on and his chest was exposed. 

"Like what ya see there Sugar?" He said cockily, snapping me out of my staring. 

"Shut up," I muttered as I turned red as a cherry and continued rifling through his drawer, pulling out a large t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. 

"Oooh is Y/n blushing? That's cute," He awed, spinning me around to face him. 

"Um no, it's just really cold in here," it was a pathetic lie but it was the best I could come up with. 

"Is that so? Last time I checked the thermostat was set on seventy-three, which isn't cold at all." He smirked, as he pulled me closer and gazed into my eyes. 

"Won't you just get out so I can change?" I pulled away, not wanted to deal with this that early. 

"As you wish," With that, he stepped out smirking. I shook my head as I slipped on his clothes. 

Once I was changed, I went back upstairs and the sweet smell of fresh pancakes filled the air. Mikey was cooking a batch of pancakes. I was soon joined by the rest of the guys at the table. Mikey brought each of us a plate of pancakes and some Advil. 

"Thank you Mikes." I smiled and gave him a side hug. He was the only smart one here, not getting drunk and all. Then we all dug into our pancakes. 

"Damn these are good," I said, mouth full of pancake. 

"Thanks," Mikey smiled. I stood up and went to go put my plate in the sink, Frank raised his eyebrows at me, I shot him a confused look.

"Are you wearing Gee's clothes?" He smirked.

"Yeah, but it's not what it looks like. I slept on the couch if that's what you're implying." I said whilst washing the dish. "It's not like we slept together."

"It won't be long until you will be..." Frank said, catching me off guard. I shrugged it off and sat back down. 

"What do we have on the agenda for today?" Asked a sleepy Ray. 

"I'm too tired to do anything," Gerard said, sipping at his coffee.

"Same, how about we binge some movies?" I responded. They all said some form of 'sure' and we piled into the living room and sat on the couch. I was on the end, then Gerard, Ray. Frank and Mikey were in the recliners. Mikey put in some horror movie that they had lying around. 

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. I caught myself entranced by Gerard's appearance. It wasn't that he looked well kept or was trying to look good, it was more that I hadn't paid any attention until now.

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