(Chapter 3) What Have You Been Smokin' Frank?

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Finally, the bell rang and I could get out of that awful class. I slung my bag over my shoulder and sped out of the classroom. Gerard was aggravating me the entire class. I was just hoping that I didn't have my next class with him with every ounce in my body.

I got to my next class, history. Opening the door, I scanned around the room and sighed in relief. No arrogant asshole in sight. I sat down with Ray and Frank. "Hey," I greeted the two, both doing the same. 

"So Y/n how's your first day at Belleville High goin'?" Ray asked.

"Pretty shitty to say the least. I mean you guys are welcoming but some people..." I trailed off with slight aggression entering my voice. 

"I know Gerard is coming off like an asshole but you'll learn to love each other," Ray replied. I shrugged in response. I honestly didn't know what to say. At this point in time, it seemed as Gerard had already decided he hated me, so that seemed unlikely. 

"Hey, you don't know this could be the start to a long dramatic teen romance. We could be in a cliche movie or book right now." Frank said with a smirk. My face morphed into one of confusion, shock, and slight concern.

"What have you been smokin' Frank? You're insane! Do you really think that's likely considering everything that's happened today?" I asked, flabbergasted. 

"You never know Y/n, you never know." He said cracking a goofy smile, causing us to laugh. And with that, the bell rang indicating class was starting. 

"Ahem.. welcome to history class. My name is..." The teacher began the lesson. 

~Time skippity skip to after class~

The bell rang once again yelling that it's the end of class. It was finally time for lunch. I packed up my bag and headed toward the door and into the cramped halls. 

We walked toward the cafeteria, Frank and Ray led the way. We got there and saw the Way brothers already there at a table. We took our seats and unfortunately the only available seat was next to Gerard. I sat down and grabbed my apple out of my bag. I never really eat much for lunch. Gerard glared at me.

"Well somebody's excited to see me," I said sarcastically, taking a bite of my food. 

"So here's a spicy question, if you were a kitchen utensil or appliance what would you be and why?" I asked out of the blue, trying to come up with an interesting conversation.

"Ooh! I'd be an oven." Frank responded first. 

"Why though?" Ray questioned.

"Because I'm hot." He said biting his lip ring aggressively. 

"Mikey gives me spoon vibes," Frank commented. We laughed and I nodded in agreement. "What about you Gerard?"

"A knife." He grumbled. Why did I expect him to say that? 

"Stop being such a fun sponge now." Frank tsked. 

Just then, a blonde girl skipped over and sat on Gerard's lap, catching him off guard. She had her hair into two ponytails. She wore a white crop top with a little pink skirt that barely covered anything. I honestly don't care what she wears. Who am I to judge? But to state the obvious, she looked like your stereotypical popular girl. 

She greeted him with a rough kiss. The rest of the guys scoffed and averted their gaze. Mikey looked especially uncomfortable by the two practically eating each other's faces. When the two finished, the girl turned and looked directly at me. 

"Who's that." She said 'that' with a face that looked like she just ate a sour candy. I wasn't even offended. I already expected her and me not to get along. That just confirmed my assumption. 

"I'm Y/n," I answered monotonously. 

"Boring," She remarked before turning her attention back to Gerard. 

"Who is she?" I asked the guys.

"That's Julia Taylor, Gerard's girlfriend," Ray said acting like he was gonna throw up when he said it. I already shared that sentiment and I had only known her for a couple of minutes. Julia was being overly touchy with him. I didn't know if this was a normal occurrence or what. I tried to turn my attention away from the two, but that was kinda hard with them seated right next to me. 

"Get a room you two," I said. Mikey looked like he was gonna vomit for real. 

"What's wrong are you jealous?" Her high-pitched voice squeaked. Oh so that's what this is about

"Pfft like I'd be jealous. You better think again sweetie." I responded with a laugh. Gerard looked at me a little bit hurt. 

"I'm sorry to fracture your fragile ego, but not everybody wants to fuck you." I sassed. He looked less hurt and just flat-out angry. He snatched my apple from me and threw it across the cafeteria, hitting a kid in the head and causing him to fall on his face. The room roared with laugher but I was fuming. That was my fucking apple! My fucking lunch! Not to mention that poor kid. He could have a concussion or something. He threw that apple hard. 

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"Hey calm down," Frank grabbed my shoulder. "It's ok, you can have my Goldfish. I wasn't gonna eat 'em anyway." He said and handed me the bag. I sat back down and took a couple of deep breathes to calm myself. Frank and the others were so nice. Why were they hanging around these two? Maybe I'm just the problem here. I wasn't even being that rude, just stating the truth right?  I thought as I grudgingly ate Frank's Goldfish. 

Gerard and his toy scampered off to god knows where. Obviously, I was excited they were gone. "Are they always like that?" I asked.

"No, not really. I hope they aren't gonna be like that more often." Mikey spoke up. We all nodded in agreement.

"None of us like Julia. I don't know why they're together." Ray said. All of us were thinking the same. Those two are problematic. 

"He has a horrible taste in women. If that's the kind of person he's going for." I said, chewing my food. 

"Well, actually that's his first real girlfriend," Frank responded. 

I honestly expected he'd have a lot more girlfriends in the past, but I guess not. Finally, the bell rang and lunch was over. Unfortunately, it was time for gym. I've never been into sports or anything like that, so gym is my personal hell. Oh well, it was time for me to suck it up and head to class. 

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