(Chapter 18) I'm Just Counting Down the Days to Go

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~Six months later~

I walked into the sterile box my mother was confined to, setting a bouquet of carnations on her nightstand. Over the past six months, Amy's health has deteriorated dramatically. The fatigue and other symptoms caused her to be bedbound in the last month or so. It was heart-wrenching to be in the room with her. She didn't look herself, she fashioned a hospital gown instead of one of her pairs of jumpsuits she wore frequently. 

The doctors had tried chemo, but it didn't go to plan. They then deemed her condition incurable, so she was just counting down the days to go.

Once I had set the flowers down, I knelt at her side, her feeble arm reached to caress my cheek. "I'm glad you came, I could use some company. But I know that school isn't letting you off the hook recently since it is nearing the end of the year," She remarked. 

"Yeah, I'm just happy that I can be here. I try to come 'round here every chance  I get," I stated truthfully which brought a weak smile onto her face. 

Behind me, I heard a pitter-patter of shoes enter the room. "Um, Miss L/n a word with you please," Amy's doctor piped up from the doorway. I nodded and turned to follow him into the hallway.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase, your mother isn't going to make it for much longer. So, I suggest you get as much time as you can because we never know what hour will be her last," He stated so aggravatingly calm for the matter he was discussing.

I let the tears fall as he continued, "Also, Ma'am visiting hours are over for today," He finished then went to converse with Amy. 

I said my goodbyes and walked out to the car, once inside slamming my fists against the steering wheel aggressively. I let out a loud sob, I began crying hysterically. This went on for some time before I pulled myself together, wiping my tears and driving out of the parking lot.

I turned up the radio to distract my mind from the matter at hand. The guys were planning on hanging out today so I headed to Frank's house. It was late now, so I'd hoped they were still hanging out. 

After some driving, I arrived at Frank's. I tried to make sure I didn't look like I just had an emotional breakdown in the car. Just crossing my fingers my makeup didn't run, I knocked on the door to be greeted by my best friend who had a big smile spread across his face. 

"Oh, Y/n you made it!" He said excitedly, wrapping me in a hug. "We were just about to put on a movi-" He stopped mid-sentence as he got a good look at me, probably finally accounting for my bad job of covering up my crying. "What's wrong hun?" He asked. 

"I just got some bad news, I don't really wanna go into it," I dismissed. 

"Well then, I think some late-night ice cream is in order. What do you think? Would that make you feel better?" He asked softly, raising an eyebrow slightly.

I answered with a nod. "Alright, we just have to get the guys from my room." He said and then turned to walk upstairs. 

When we opened the door it was absolute chaos. Gerard had tackled Mikey and was wrestling on the floor whilst Ray being the mom he is was trying to break the two up and hold back laughter at the same time. 

I couldn't help but crack up at the sight. "Break it up you two!" Mama Ray hollered over the two, finally getting them to quit it. 

"Brothers am I right?" Frank chuckled before he announced, "We're going to get ice cream so you best get your asses in the car," He then went downstairs and out the door. 

I stayed back and walked down with Gerard. We all packed into the car, Gerard sat beside me in the back along with Ray. Frank put on my favorite cd and cracked even more jokes than usual. It was obvious he was trying his best to make me feel better. 

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