(Chapter 5) Fed Up

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A/n: Idk what that last chapter was. I wrote it at 2 am and my brain was like fried. This one will be better though. Ok on with the chapter...

~A week or so later~

Today was yet another day of school. I had been there for a little over a week and as you can guess, the whole Gerard/Julia situation hasn't improved. They have still been creating unnecessary drama in my life.

 I rolled out of bed and put on an outfit. The usual skinny jeans and band tee combo. I moved to the bathroom to do the normal routine, brushing hair, teeth and applying makeup. I pulled on my shoes and jacket. I headed down the stairs to the kitchen to grab some coffee. This time making sure I have a cup that won't be spillable. I didn't bother with breakfast this morning. I waved a goodbye to my dear sister and started my journey to school. 

I walked down the sidewalk, kicking a pinecone as I went. The partially clouded sky and the cool breeze made the stroll a lot nicer. I hated the heat, I'd always preferred cool rainy weather. My mind wandered to who knows where until I reached the school. 

I moved through the halls and to my locker, I opened it to put some books away and then- "Hi!" Frank exclaimed, popping out of my locker, giving me yet another mini heart attack. 

"How did you get in there short shit?" I asked with my hand over my chest.

"That's none of your concern," He smirked and moved so I could actually use my locker. 

"Didn't we talk about how you're not gonna scare me?" I said and turned to him.

"We did, but I thought it would be funny." He explained. I rolled my eyes and shut my locker. 

Soon enough, the bell rang, and off to class we went. 

~Time skip to gym~

It was finally time for the dreaded gym class once more. The day has gone by fairly quickly. Of course, Gerard and Julia have been a problem. We've had our kerfuffles throughout the day but nothing major to take note of. 

Exiting the girl's locker room I made my way over to the bleachers where the guys (and Julia) were sitting. 

"Hey," I greeted, taking a seat next to Julia. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What's your problem?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know. 

"The problem is that you're here and I don't like you, slut." She said coldly. 

"Who are you calling a slut? You better look in the mirror hun." I retorted. "The first day I met you and Gerard, you just decided that you hated me. Your worse though, you just decided you hated me because of how I look. Might I say how shallow that is?" I ranted, starting to get worked up. 

"I thought that maybe you would learn your place by now. That place doesn't belong with us Sugar." Gerard piped up, catching me off guard by the nickname. I could tell I was blushing a bit, but why? 

Julia jumped up from her seat and glared at Gerard. "What's gotten into you? I'm the one that you should call cute pet names!" Her shrill voice squealed. Oh god, here we go.

"Well, it was an accident, Jules. Why are you so sensitive to stuff like that? I wouldn't call that clumsy unwanted bitch anything like that in a million years!" He argued. I don't know but that one hurt. My blood boiled and my eyes were threatening to let tears flow. 

"I can see when I'm not wanted here anymore! I guess I'll just be going." I said the last part in a hushed tone as a tear finally managed to escape. 

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