(Chapter 14) Be Strong and Hold My Hand

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"C'mon Y/n you have to wake up," Gee whispered as he combed my knotted hair behind my ears with his fingers. 

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, once again getting comfortable. It was the morning of the funeral and I was not prepared to face that yet. I couldn't avoid the fact that it was hastily approaching for very long, in fact, we had to leave in a couple of hours.

"Well you have to get ready, the funeral starts at eleven. It's..." He checked his phone for the time, "It's eight forty right now, so we can't waste any time," He finished as he moved the duvet off of me, prompting me to glare at him.

"I know it's going to be hard, but I'll be there for you and so will the guys. I know that you'd resent yourself forever if you'd miss it," He pointed out.

He was right; it was entirely true that I'd hate myself for skipping it. This got me to roll out of bed and head to the shower. 

It had been a long while since I had taken a shower. As disgusting as it was, I couldn't help it. I had just lost all motivation to do anything, which included showering and eating. Gerard was the only reason why I would eat the occasional meal. If he wasn't there, I'd probably not eaten a bite since the time I got word of Quinn's passing. 

I turned on the tap and let the water heat up, I stripped and got in. I leisurely washed my hair, it was obvious I was dragging it out. I finally finished and hopped out, wrapping myself in a towel then going to find my suit. 

I found it laid out on the bed, so I took it and dressed. Whilst this was going on Gerard took his turn in the shower. I combed through my hair and by then Gee was out so I could get to do my makeup in the bathroom. 

I put on some red eyeshadow and attempted some eyeliner. My hand trembled and wobbled so it was no easy task. By about the third try and fail, I threw the liquid eyeliner down on the counter out of frustration. 

"Are you okay Hun?" Gee appeared in the doorway. I shook my head and let out a sigh. "Let me help you." He said and proceeded to take off my fucked up eye makeup. 

He neatly reapplied my makeup with a steady hand, as he finished he pecked my lips and held onto my waist. 

"You look beautiful, Sugar," He smiled.

"You as well," I said and gazed into his eyes, "How did I get such an amazing boyfriend?" I thought aloud as I rested my head against his chest.

"That's a long story of which we don't have time for. The guys are meeting us here so they should be along pretty soon." He responded.

As if on cue, the doorbell chimed downstairs alerting us the guys had arrived. We walked to open the front door, I was showered in condolences from the guys. Once that was over we decided to go. We packed into the car, Gerard and Frank in the back with me, Ray and Mikey in the front. 

Of course, it had to start raining to signal that it was a sad event like in any cliche movie. We got to the church and hurried inside so we didn't get drenched. We took our seats on the front pew and waited for the procession to begin. 

By then I really started to get emotional, I leaned against Gerard's shoulder as I tried to keep myself together. Gerard seemed to notice my distress and draped his arm over my shoulder. He held my hand, rubbing circles into the back of it. 

Finally, after everyone was seated, the service started. The procession started with some readings before it was time for the eulogies to be read. I felt horrible that I hadn't prepared one, but there was nothing I could do at that point. 

As the life and remembrance of my beautiful sister was recounted, I absolutely lost it. There was no holding back my tears anymore, they streamed uncontrollably down my cheeks. I was lucky the eyeliner was waterproof.

The eulogies continued for a little while longer and finally finished after a painful service. We stood and people solemnly said they were sorry for my loss or something along those lines. To be honest, I wasn't paying any attention. There was just a flurry of emotions inside me that made me block out their sympathy. 

I bolted, ran out the door, and didn't even care if I got wet. When I got outside, I slumped down against the wall and started to cry again. There was thankfully an overhang where I was sitting, so even though I didn't care I wasn't soaked. 

A couple of minutes later, Gerard came outside and lit a cigarette. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he smoked the cancer stick. He eventually spotted me and took a seat beside me, pulling me into his side. 

We sat in silence, the sound of the rain pouring being the only noise. Eventually, people piled out of the church and scurried to their cars. After all the commotion died down, the guys found the two of us. 

"Do you maybe want to get coffee? To get your mind off things," Gerard offered, to which I nodded. 

We drove to a little coffee shop that wasn't too busy. We took our seats and ordered. Our drinks came and I cheered up a bit. The coffee warmed me up from the brisk rain that seeped through my damp coat. 

"So Y/n... what's your favorite type of flooring?" Frankie asked a wacky question to get my mind off of Quinn.

I let out a small chuckle before answering "How did you think of that Frank?" I asked which he shrugged in response. " I guess I like a nice hardwood floor, you?" I inquired.

"I'd say carpet, y'know because it's super comfy and snuggly to walk on." He replied which made Mikey roll his eyes.

"But what about stains? If you spill some soda or literally anything on white carpet, that shit isn't coming out. Might as well just through the whole house away!" Mikey retorted. 

"Good point, I personally enjoy a porcelain tile myself," Ray hopped in on the conversation. 

"But tile is cold and slippery. Do you know how many fucking times I've stepped out of the shower and instantly fallen on my ass!" Frank argued, prompting us to all laugh.  

And with that, we debated floors for quite some time. It might not have cured my sadness per se, but it sure was nice to think about something else. And a stupid argument over floors brought up by Frank Iero was just the remedy. Those guys were the only things keeping me grounded during this tragedy. I've never had such an amazing friend group as them, and I was forever grateful to them. 

It had stopped raining when we exited the coffee shop. I pecked Gerard on the cheek before whispering, "I love you," 

Gerard stopped in his tracks, "Say that again," He said in disbelief.

"I love you, Gerard. You don't have to say it back yet, but I just wanted you to know. I'm so thankful for you and all the guys, I've figured out that it's not just an appreciation, it's... it's love." I rephrased, which made a grin spread across his face from ear to ear. 

"I love you too," He said genuinely before kissing me passionately. 

We kissed for some time, a million sparks running through my body. It was hard to believe that we hated each other in the beginning. That time felt like it was so far away and so unfathomable that it almost felt like a figment of my imagination. 

We stayed in each other's arms for a minute, before-


"Get in lovebirds or your walking home!" Frank hollered which made Gerard hold up middle fingers at the short man as he stole another kiss. 

We laughed lightly and got into the car. 

A/n: So I tried to keep this one a little less heavy, so you got to read a lovely conversation about floors. Like the last 5 chapters have been sad so yeah. The next chapter will definitely be lighthearted and fluffy, so I dunno get excited? Have a lovely day rats- Sav

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