(Chapter 6) Finally, the Witch is Gone

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It was the next morning. I barely slept a wink. My mind was awhirl with thoughts and I couldn't get to sleep. I rolled out of bed and went straight to the coffee pot, I downed a cup in two gulps. Then I proceeded back upstairs to get ready. 

After I was dressed, I went and filled a mug for the road. I gathered my things and out the door, I went. I wasn't paying very much attention to my surroundings; I kinda blocked out all the noise of others on the sidewalk. That was until a hand grabbed my shoulder, preventing me from moving.

"Y/n we've been calling you. Haven't you heard us?" Frank said, I shook my head in response. 

"Sorry, I'm barely awake. I had a really shitty night of sleep." I said groggily. 

"I understand completely. Gerard seems to be in the same state as you." He said pointing at the half-dead hunched over raven-haired boy clutching a coffee cup like it was his lifeline. 

I cracked a half-awake smile but it quickly faded at the fact that I was probably a spitting image of him right now. We continued walking, Gerard and I barely said a word. The others were talking and laughing. I'm ready to get this day over with already, I thought with a groan.

We got to school and all I could think about was going home. The students were as noisy as ever, running amuck and wreaking havoc. The bell rang and off to math I went.

My brain could barely focus the entire class. How do these morning people do it? Even on a day where I have a full night of uninterrupted sleep, my brain can't work properly that early. Anyway, the day continued similarly. I avoided all conversation with Gerard because I was too tired for his bullshit today. 

Lunch rolled around and I took my seat with the guys. Gerard hadn't shown up yet. I was finally waking up. As I ate my lunch, Frank elbowed me. 

"Look over there." He pointed. My eyes were wide in shock. Julia was on a jock's lap, roughly making out with the boy. 

"Shit's about to go down," I announced, shaking my head. 

I knew something like this would happen eventually. Julia wasn't the type of person for a long relationship, especially since she pretty much had her pick because she's the popular girl. She had guys practically begging for her to go out with them, even though there's nothing particularly special about her. Just your run-of-the-mill Barbie girl. 

Soon enough, the cafeteria doors swung open, and in walked Gerard. Expectant teenage eyes peered on him. He seemed to be in his own head until he reached the table right in front of ours. That table occupied Julia and the jock. 

Gerard's stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes glared wickedly at the two, who didn't even know he was there yet. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot rapidly against the tile floor.

"Ahem," He announced his presence. 

"Oh hey, Gee," Julia's voice greeted innocently. "What's going on?" She asked like nothing was happening at all.

"What's going on is your straddling that twat's lap." He observed, still tapping his foot. The room was mostly silent, only a few murmurs here and there. This was prime entertainment for these nosy kids.

"Indeed, do you have a problem with that?" She asked. That seemed to make him snap.

"Of fucking course I do! You're my girlfriend! It seems as though Y/n was correct about something for once, and that being your a whore. We're done! And don't be crawling back to me in a week cause you lost your chance babe!" And with that, he stormed out of the cafeteria. 

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