(Chapter 9) Get In Losers, We're Goin' Shopping

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A/n: This chapter is really crappy and I'm not satisfied with it. But thankfully, this is like the last chapter that I don't have all planned out. So hopefully another atrocious chapter won't happen.

It was currently Sunday and Quinn and I were chilling on the couch watching some sitcom that was on. We were pretty immersed in it until the front door burst open, hitting the wall with a loud bang.

"WHAT'S UP FUCKERS!" Frank shouted as he entered.

"Fuck you! I thought we were getting robbed." Quinn said, pointing her middle fingers at him. 

"Yeah! You can't seem to stop scaring me to death." I added.

"Who would rob you at two thirty-seven on a Sunday afternoon?" Gerard commented as he and the rest of the guys walked in. 

"Fair point but still," I said while rolling my eyes. "Anyway, why are you guys here?"

"I don't know actually. We were bored and decided to annoy you." Mikey explained.

"Alright then, what do you guys want to do?"I asked. 

"We could go to the mall," Frank suggested. The rest of the guys seemed to agree on that.

"But who's gonna drive? I don't have a car." I said, then remembered that Quinn has a car. 

I looked over at her with pleading eyes, hoping she'd give in and drive us. 

"I guess I'm driving," she said getting up and going to the door. We all followed and piled into her van.

So enough, after a trip filled with loud music and laughter, we arrived at the mall. We all hoped out of the car and headed towards the building. We first went to Starbucks per Gerard's request. Afterward, we made a bee-line for Hot Topic. 

"The queen of darkness has returned!" I exclaimed as I swung the door open dramatically. "Let's wreak havoc on this place," I added before we all ran off into different directions. 

I, of course, headed straight to the band shirts. After I picked out a few (completely ignoring the fact I own a copious amount of them already), I dashed to the accessories. On the venture there, I bumped into Frank. 

"Oh, I've been looking for you. What do you think about this skirt? Ya know to woo Gerard~" He said with a smirk plastered on his face as he waved the short red skirt in front of me. 

"Do you really think I'd be the type to 'woo' a guy?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip. "Just admit you're trying to live vicariously through me. You're the one that wants Gerard." 

"Ok, ok maybe I was wrong about the skirt, but I'm not living through you," He responded.

"Heh, I mean if you keep telling yourself that maybe it'll become true," I muttered as I walked away and to the accessories. 

I picked out some chockers before I looked at the tags and thought, wow I'm too broke for this. And put the majority of them back. I looked around and tried to find my friends, before finding Gerard. We convened and checked out before hitting the food court.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fact Gerard wasn't being distant or giving me the cold shoulder. He actually talked to me without hate or aggression. It seemed as though our relationship was making amends and heading in the right direction. 

Anyhow, we got our food and sat down at a table. When we sat down, I noticed Frank was carrying a bag with some red fabric sticking out. 

"That better not be for me, Fronk." I pointed to it.

"Nah, I got it for me," He leaned in closer, "So if things don't go over well with you two, I can try to seduce Gerard." He said wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Ooooh, a little competition do I sense?" I responded with a laugh. "Well then, let the most fabulous one win," I said then rested my head on his shoulder. 

Gerard looked over at the two of us and might I say, looked like he wanted to be the one I rested my head against instead.

"Is someone jealous?" I questioned in a joking tone, getting some 'oohs' from everybody. 

"No, I'm wondering if you're gonna eat those," He pointed to my fries before snatching them. 

"No honey, you did not just steal my fries," I said and tried to steal them back. My attempt turned up unsuccessful. As he was eating, I grabbed a fry from Mikey and tossed it. It smacked him in the nose and fell into his lap.

"Two can play that game Sugar." He said before grabbing multiple fries and yeeting them at me. They landed in my hair and with that, war had taken over the table. Fries flew and created a big mess. Eventually, the war subsided and neither claimed victory. We just were saddened by the fact the fries were wasted because we decided to be petty.

We hit up some more stores until it was getting late and we decided that we caused enough chaos today. The group all piled back into Quinn's van and we trekked back home.

"Now that wasn't so bad right Quinn? We're a fun group to have to drive around." I said as I looked out of the window at the darkening sky. 

"Yeah, it beats staying home alone and being bored. The other day I got so bored I read the dictionary we had lying around." She responded.

"Who in their right fucking mind would do that?" Ray asked. 

"Somebody left at home all day without human interaction." She explained, "It was extremely boring though. Would not recommend." 

With that, the radio got turned up, and on came Holiday by Green Day. We sang the lyrics in a horribly out-of-tune chorus, except Gerard. He was an amazing singer. What I'd do to have him sing to me one of these days, I thought as I shook my head. I had hoped Frankie devised a plan to get us together soon because I was falling, and I was falling fast. He's just so perfect in every way from his heavenly voice to-

My train of thought was cut off by the car slamming on the breaks. My heart beat faster, as I hadn't realized the cause of our abrupt stop. I turned and before I could react, another car rammed into ours and my body slammed forward, hitting the airbag, knocking me out cold.

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