(Chapter 7) I Spent the Night Dancing, I'm Drunk I Suppose

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Ah yes, a glorious Friday was upon us. We were currently eating lunch, all ready for the day to be over. 

"So do you guys have any plans this weekend?" I asked. They all said some variant of 'no'.

"Oh I forgot to tell you all, I got invited to a party later tonight. Did you wanna join me? I don't wanna be a loser there with no one to socialize with." Frank piped up. 

"Alright, I'm down for that," Gerard said and we all agreed. 

"We can go home and get changed or whatever and meet back at my place at seven," Frank announced. 

It was settled. I was curious because I'd never really been to a party before. I just wasn't into it, but I was willing to give it a shot this time. 

Anywho, the day carried on per usual. It was terribly boring, but finally, it was over and we headed home. I chilled and just watched some Netflix until it was time to get ready to go. I hopped in the shower first, when I was done with that I went and picked out an outfit. I wanted it to be a bit more extra than just my regular band tee and jeans. 

So, I went with a black spaghetti-strap crop top that had lace detailing around the hem. Put on some black jeans ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, adorning them with wallet chains and a belt. I went back to the bathroom and applied makeup, red eyeshadow with some thick eyeliner. I finished that and (curled/straightened) my hair. Finally, I slipped on my platform boots and trusty leather jacket then headed downstairs. 

"I'm headed out! I won't be back until late!" I called to whoever could hear me in the house. 

"Alright, be safe and have fun kiddo. Don't get yourself arrested or kidnapped!" Amy called back from the kitchen. With that, I strolled down the street to Frankie's. 

I arrived and knocked on the front door. It soon opened and I was faced with Frank. His jaw dropped and he looked me up and down.

"You look hot Y/n." He muttered and then looked over at Gerard and winked aggressively. I facepalmed and sat on the couch. 

He was really set on us being a thing. I mean, it's been kind of awkward since the whole Julia breakup thing, but nothing has arisen romantically between us. If there are any feelings, they haven't been acted on yet. We haven't been fighting as much as we were when he was with Julia. She was truly a bad influence on him and I'm happy that they aren't together. I haven't quite collected my thoughts and feelings about Gerard. I just can't seem to figure it out. The main question wandering around my mind was if he still hated me or not. It was a mystery not even Scooby-Doo could solve.

"We just have to wait for Ray and then we can go," Frank said joining us. Just if on cue Ray burst through the door.

"Speaking of the devil, what took ya so long Toro?" Gerard asked. 

"I had to get my hair just right. It can be kind of finicky sometimes." He said fluffing his fro. We all chuckled and went to pile into Frank's car. 

We drove to the party. As we came up to the house, we could hear loud music blaring and see through the window that lots of people crowded the two-story home. We stepped out of the car and went up and entered.

 I was hesitant at first, I stayed close to Frank as we walked through and to the kitchen. The array of alcohol sat on the island.

"Here Y/n try some." Frank poured me a cup. I shrugged and took it. I usually don't drink, but that night I said fuck it and let whatever was gonna happen, happen. I downed the thing and handed the cup back to Frank. He looked a bit surprised. 

"Who's party is this anyway?" I asked. 

"Oh, this Hayley's party. She's pretty rad, she's the one with orange hair." He replied. I nodded, I'd seen her in the halls before. He passed me another cup and we walked out to join the rest of the party. The guys were out there mingling with the other partygoers, so we found them. They were talking with Hayley.

"Hey guys," Frank greeted. 

"Oh hey, Frank. Glad you could make it." Hayley smiled. 

"Yeah, I'm happy to be here. This is Y/n, I don't think you've met yet." He introduced excitedly. 

"It's nice to meet ya." She shook my hand and I smiled warmly. "Come dance with me Y/n," 

She pulled me away from the guys and made me dance. Neither of us could dance for shit, but we had a good time laughing at each other and our stupid dance moves. This carried on for some time until a slower song came on. 

"You should really be dancing to this one with Gerard, not me." She said, catching me off guard. 

"What? Why him?" I inquired. 

"I saw the way you were looking at him. I can feel the chemistry." She responded. 

"No. He's my enemy we hate each other." I shut her down. 

"You keep telling yourself that and maybe it'll be true." She laughed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Did Frank talk to you about that?" I asked.

"No actually." I was kind of shocked. I thought Shortie would try and devise a plan to get us together and got Hayley's help or something cliche, but no. 

The song ended and we parted. I went to get another drink.

The party continued and I was drunk as hell. I went down the hall to find the bathroom real quick. On my way, I heard feet walk behind me, and soon enough I was pinned to the wall, by none other than Gerard. I didn't have time to react before his lips crashed roughly into mine. I was stunned, my body froze before, for some reason I kissed back. 

I don't know if it was the alcohol or me actually deep down wanting it to happen, but it did. His lips were soft and he tasted of coffee and cigarettes with alcohol mixed in, an intoxicating combination that perfectly described Gerard. My hands found their way to his hair, tugging on the strands which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Meanwhile, his hands roamed my body, turning me on more. I shouldn't have been enjoying that but I did immensely. 

We finally parted and I looked him in the eye. His mouth hung open and his face was so shocked it looked like he had just seen an alien abduction. 

"I thought you were someone else." Is what he eventually said. It was my turn to be shocked.  I should have guessed it honestly. Why would I think he would kiss me voluntarily? 

"Sorry I guess." He said while looking at the floor. I walked away from that awkward situation, still astonished by the fact that my fucking supposed enemy kissed just made out with me! 

I went outside to get away from the crowd. I sat on their porch and exhaled loudly, trying to process what just happened.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Asked Mikey from the chair next to me.

"Not particularly, I want to go home," I responded, not really wanting to rehash what just happened. 

"Alright, I'll gather up all the guys. I can drive, I've only been drinking Coke." He said and walked off.

Soon Mikey returned with the rest of the group. We walked to the car and I sat in the front, closing my eyes while we drove back. I drifted off to sleep for a second until,

HONK HONK, the car horn beeped.

"What the fuck up! I'm not carrying you all inside, so get your sorry asses up!" Mikey announced and got out of the car. 

I stumbled out of the car and entered the Way's house. I hobbled over and crashed on the couch, not carrying that I'm wearing a very uncomfortable outfit for sleeping in. I just fell asleep and future Y/n could deal with whatever problems arose from today.

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