(Chapter 4) Family Bonding <3

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I headed to the gym and got changed into the wretched uniform. Whoever designed that deserves prison time. I mean those shorts barely covered my ass. Feeling very uncomfortable, I made my way out of the girl's locker room. 

"Hey, Y/n!" Frankie waved. He and the guys just walked out into the gym. 

"Hi," I said glumly, joining the group. 

Much to my dismay, Julia skipped over to us. Oh god, here we go again, I thought with a sigh. Before anyone could say anything, the teacher blew his whistle and we all gathered in front of him.

"Today class, we're gonna be playing some dodgeball. I'm gonna split you into two teams. The team that gets all the players on the opposing team out wins. Got it?" He spoke rather loudly. We all nodded and we split off into teams. Frank, Ray, and I on one. Gerard, Mikey, and Julia on the other. 

He blew his obnoxious whistle once more and the game started. Just then I realized how competitive the students at Belleville High really are. It was total war in there. No mercy was shown. People were knocked out left and right, mostly by Gerard's team. I was totally lost. I was absolutely horrible at dodgeball. During my terrible attempt at dodging, a ball came whirling my way with full force. I was smacked square in the face and fell right on my ass, how embarrassing. 

Of course, Gerard was the one who threw this at me. I just laid there for a minute. The world was spinning around me, but I couldn't let him get that kind of satisfaction. I stood right up and sat with the other out people. I didn't ask for the nurse or anything. She would have just given me an icepack anyway and called it done. 

Gerard came over and sat down as well. He got himself out for hitting me in the face. Man, I love some sweet justice. 

"You are terrible at this." He stated the obvious. 

"I know, I always skipped gym class back home so it really shows doesn't it?" I said, not making eye contact. 

"I would think you'd be the goody-two-shoes that wouldn't skip class, but maybe I'm mistaken." He commented. 

"Well, I'm not. You shouldn't assume things, Way." I said finally looking over at him. His eyes trailing down over me. 

"I-" He started before getting cut off.

"Well, well, well you two are finally having a civil conversation." Frank appeared in front of us, wearing a smirk. 

"I suppose it is," I realized. 

It wasn't long before the drama showed up again, ruining the normal conversation we were just having. 

"Hey, Gee," Julia's obnoxiously sweet voice chirped. It seemed as though every time she rolled around things go south. It's my first day knowing her and I already wish I didn't. 

"How 'bout a hello to us as well Julia?" Ray asked, clearly annoyed. She just acts like they don't exist. She didn't respond she just rolled her eyes. 

Thankfully, the class ended and I could get out of that uniform. I changed and quickly walked off to my next and final class of the day, art. Art is my favorite subject. It's chill, there's no running around or anything. It's kind of an outlet for me. That and music. 

I stepped into class and was directed to my assigned seat. The class started and it was just a free day so we could sketch whatever we wanted. The kid that was supposed to be next to me hadn't shown yet. That was until about a third of the way through class the door flung open and in walked the drama queen himself. He took a seat next to me. 

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