(Chapter 17) Confirmation

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My eyes cracked open to be greeted with the sky still pitch-black outside. I barely slept a wink, which wasn't unusual. I checked the time, 5:20 AM it read. I rolled over and tried to go back to bed, but to no avail. Today was going to be horrible. 

I lied around until about seven. School started at eight, so it was time to get ready. I walked downstairs after dressing, the house was empty. Mom had said that they needed to go back for some additional scans, so that's probably where they were off to. 

Soon I was off to school, the guys met me in front of the house so we could walk together. I kept quiet throughout the walk there. I wasn't really in the mood to partake in their jokes given the circumstances. 

Instead, I focused on the scenery. It was nearing the end of November, the days were becoming more frigid which I didn't mind honestly. The summer heat was never really my thing. The sunburns and humidity made me want to become even more of a vampire, hiding away in the confines of my dark room. 

We'd finally got to school and parted ways to go to class. First period was math which I was less than thrilled about. I sat down with Ray and Mikey and started doodling. I ended up blocking out the teacher's lesson until the classroom dropped to dead silence. 

Ray tapped my shoulder lightly before, "Miss L/n are you gonna answer the question or not? Is your drawing really more important than mathematics? You can't get a paying job as an artist," The teacher, Mrs. Moore hollered, which pissed me off. 

"Last time I checked, nobody in the real world has ever used whatever the fuck that math is. Y'know you can't just pretend that art isn't a quintessential part of life, more than this shit," I spat, the anger and on-edge feeling taking over me for a brief moment.

The whole class let out an 'ooooh' and snickered to themselves. Meanwhile, Mrs. Moore stood with a shocked expression, one of disbelief and astoundment. I got up and left, going outside to get away from people. I brought my sketchbook and resumed drawing. Eventually, I heard the bell ring and I was off to English.

Lunch had finally come, by that time my anxiety and worry were going haywire. I walked into the cafeteria and sit at our table.

"And there she is! The one who was a total badass in math," Frank said as I sat down, so I assumed Ray or Mikey had told the rest of the guys. 

"I guess..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean 'I guess' you legit cussed her out and stormed outta class, pretty badass," Frank responded. 

"What got you that fired up to say all that, Sugar?" Gerard asked.

"I dunno, a mixture of anxiety, caffeine, and anger," I replied as I picked at my bag of chips. 

"Well, are you okay? What's got you all anxious?" Gerard inquired, slight worry entering his tone. 

"Well..." I started, "When I got home, umm Amy went to get some tests and stuff done yesterday. Apparently, she h-has a tumor. They still have to get some more scans, but they're p-pretty sure," My voice quivered, causing Gerard to through his arm around me and rub my side soothingly.

"Y/n, that's terrible, I'm sorry," Frankie said softly.

The rest of the guys offered similar consoling words. 

"Thank you all, but there's not much to do about it. It's just a part of life now," I said glumly. 

"Well we're here for you, and always will be," Mikey piped up, which brought a small smile to my lips. 

"I love you guys so much"

~Time skip to after school because I'm fuckin lazy~

I stood on our front stoop, hesitant to turn the doorknob. It almost felt as if I didn't enter the house, I could escape the inevitable. I could just run away and not have to face the reality that exists behind that door. 

I finally faced my fears and creaked the door open. There on the couch, my parents sat awaiting my arrival. I inched toward them and sat down in the recliner.

"Did you have a good day at school?" Amy asked.

"It was okay," I answered plainly. She sure as hell wasn't going to know that I cursed a teacher out.

"Well, I'll cut to the chase, the cancer is worse than we thought. Stage four in fact. That shit is going fast and you were right, Y/n. The disease developed a lot in the few months when I was having symptoms." She explained. 

I sat and absorbed the information before responding, "What kind of treatment options are on the table? Chemotherapy?" I questioned.

"Well they don't know, this tumor is growing rapidly and they don't know if chemo is a viable option. They... they don't know how long I've got left." She said sadly.

I looked at my folded hands in my lap, a tear escapes and I felt a pang in my heart. I never would have guessed that I would hear those words from her. These past months have brought many terrible surprises, this is just another to add to the list. 

I sighed and looked up, "I don't know what to say, I-I'm just in disbelief," I said as I stood up. "I'll see you later I just need some time to clear my head." I walked back out the door.

My mind was racing, my feet carried without thought of where I was going. Soon I arrived at the Way's house and there I was ringing the doorbell. Then Mikey opened the door.

"Oh hey Y/n I wasn't expecting you. Are you here for Gerard?" He asked to which I replied with a nod.

He pointed me to the basement and  I descended the stairs. I knocked lightly, then heard a 'Come in' from the other side.

 I twisted the knob to find the raven-haired boy slouched against the headboard flipping through a comic. 

"Y/n whatcha doing here?" 

"I just... I don't know." I muttered, looking at the carpet.

"C'mere," He said and patted his thigh, signifying to sit in his lap. 

I did as told and sat down, he rested his head on top of mine and resumed reading. His touch comforted me so, it was just what I needed. I bet he could tell something was up but decided against pressing me about it.  

Instead, he went on reading. The silence that engulfed the room was peaceful. Usually, I hated the silence. It was so empty and nerve-racking. But this one was tranquil and brought calmness. 

These next couple of months were going to be grueling, but with Gerard and the guys, it would be more bearable. I wished so hard to stay in that moment of tranquillity, but there was no way to stop the neverending clock of time. 

A/n: This is more of a filler chapter, I didn't have much time to write with Halloween festivities and such. I'm not very proud of it but eh whatever. Anyway, have a lovely day rats! -Sav

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