(Chapter 2) A Shitty Start

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I jolted awake as my alarm yelled at me to get up for my first day of school. I silenced the annoying sound before rolling out of bed and walking over to my dresser. I pulled off my pajamas and replaced them with a casual pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a Slipknots shirt. I accessorized with a belt and my bracelets. 

I moved over to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, hair and washed my face before applying eyeshadow and eyeliner. I inspected myself in the mirror, messing with my hair a bit until I thought I looked good enough in my mind. I finished with sliding on my Converse and leather jacket.

Afterward, I trudged downstairs to get a cup of coffee. Coffee is crucial. If I don't have my coffee in the morning I know It's gonna be a miserable day. I arrived at the coffee machine and somebody had already brewed a pot.

 I poured a cup and leaned against the counter. "Morning." Quinn groaned as she entered the kitchen. I let out a half-asleep chuckle at her dinosaur pajamas.

"Mornin' sleepyhead," I responded and sipped my coffee. 

"Move it I need my coffee." She grumbled. I stepped to the side and she got her cup. "So it's your first day of hell- I mean school right?" She asked creating conversation.

"They're practically synonyms of each other, but yeah it is." I snickered. 

"Well have fun I guess or at least try to. I don't look back on my high school years fondly 'cause high schoolers are assholes. Don't take whatever they say to heart and be yourself." She advised being a little more inspirational than usually that early. I got a to-go cup and filled it with coffee. I dug through the cabinet but sadly the lid to my favorite cup has gone missing. Probably got lost during the move. Oh well, It's fine I'll just be careful with it. 

"Thanks," I gave a little smile. "I guess I better get going. Have a fun day creating chaos like ya always do." I saluted. Quinn was taking a gap year before going to art school.  

"Good luck!" She called as I left the house. I popped in my earbuds as I ambled down the sidewalk. The school was only just down the road so I could walk instead of taking the bus. I shuddered at the thought of the bus, the one I took back home was like a zoo on wheels. 

I continued walking until I reached the gates, preparing myself for the judgmental stares of nosy teenagers. I stepped through the doors and into the noisy hallway. Ok, the first order of business, get my locker and schedule from the office. I thought as I weaved through the teens toward the office. 

As I was walking I sipped at the coffee, I accidentally stepped on my shoelace and ended up tripping. I gasped and closed my eyes expecting to hit the hard floor but I fell on something else. I pulled myself up so I could get off of whatever I landed on. I saw that I fell on top of a boy and in the process of falling, I spilled the majority of my coffee on him. Oh shit, this isn't gonna go well.

He pushed me off him with a growl. He had ink-black hair that fell to his shoulders. It was unkempt and looked like it had been box-dyed one too many times. His piercing hazel eyes were filled with wrath and his eyebrows were furrowed. I looked down at his clothes, He wore a now-soaked Iron Maiden shirt with a leather jacket over top. His black skinny jeans also had a very unfortunately placed stain. He looked like his blood was boiling and was about to explode with rage.

"Watch where the fuck you're going you clumsy bitch!" He seethed, lacing every word with venom. All eyes of the teens surrounding us were now looking directly at us.

"I'm really sorry, it was completely an accident. Here," I apologized offering him a hand. He pushed my hand away and stood up himself. 

"I'm extremely sorry, I really mean it. I wouldn't do that on purpose. Do you want me to get you a paper towel or something?" I said, but he wasn't having it.

"Save it!" He snapped. I clenched my fists and an apologetic smile dropped into a scowl. I was beginning to get pissed at this guy. I usually like to be civil with people, but this guy was testing my patience. 

"I've been more than nice to you after that ok? Why would I spill my coffee on purpose on you, fucktard? I don't even know who the fuck you are!" I shouted, pointing my finger at him. I swiftly walked past him, rolling my eyes. His face looked one of shock like he hasn't been stood up to like that.

 I brushed it off and continued to the office. That guy was such a dick, I haven't even been here for ten minutes yet and some asshole already has a problem with me. I thought as I stepped up to the lady at the front desk. 

I got everything situated and headed to my locker. I opened it and put my things away. 

"Hi!" Somebody said behind me, making me jump."That's like the second time I've snuck up on you like that, sorry." I turned around to see Frank. 

"Yeah, I wish you would quit it," I responded with a shake of my head. 

"It seems our lockers are right next to each other." He said leaning against his locker. 

"Morning Frank," a guy with a phenomenal fro greeted. I shall call him Princess Fro Fro, I thought with a smile. Another boy accompanied him,  he was lanky with straight hair and a beanie on. But what fascinated me was the way he wore his glasses. He wore them at the very end of his nose, almost falling off.

"Hey Ray, oh Y/n you haven't met the guys yet. Well, that's Ray and Mikey. I don't know where Gerard is though." Frank introduced the two boys. Ray smiled and Mikey simply waved. 

"Ray, Mikey, as I mentioned this is Y/n." 

"Hey, guy- What is she doing here?" The familiar raven-haired asshat from earlier hissed. 

"I'm hanging out with my new friends is that a problem?" I scoffed. 

"Who said these were your friends?" He questioned sharply.

"Hey, hey calm down you two! Y/n here is hanging out with us ok?" Frank affirmed. 

"Do you two know each other or what?" Ray asked, clearly confused with our confrontation. 

"Yeah, she spilled coffee on me." He pointed to his clothes. 

"It's just a little bit of coffee, asshole. Nothing to get your panties in a wad over" I retorted.

"Enough of that, children," Ray said, de-escalating things. 

"You don't wanna get Mama Ray mad now," Frank commented with a chuckle. The bell chimed and I was just happy to get away. We all dispersed, I rolled my eyes and walked away. This whole morning is screwed up. I had math first period, so I weaved through the hall and made my way to the classroom. 

I got there on time and looked around for an open seat. In the back sat Mikey and Ray. I was excited to have a class with them first. They seem like great people who I can trust, so I sat down with them. 

Throughout the class, we talked and I got to know each of them better. I found out that Mikey is Gerard's brother. I'm just left to ponder why Mikey is such a sweet person and Gerard is just downright rude. 

The class ended and I was off to English. When I arrived, I looked around to see Frank trying to get my attention and a tired, irritated Gerard sitting next to him. I giggled at Frank's efforts and sat next to him. 

"Hey-" I started but was cut off by an obnoxiously long groan from Gerard. 

"Your voice is rather annoying, it makes it hard for me to focus." He sighed. 

"Let's be frank, Gee you don't pay attention in this class," Frank said laughing. Every chance he can get he antagonizes me. To be honest, I just wished that class was over already and I hadn't been there for three minutes.

"Hey! You three, I'm trying to teach a class here!" The teacher hollered, pointing his finger at us. We rolled our eyes and shut up. 

That class seemed excruciatingly long. I just hoped that I had anybody but Gerard in the next class. 

Just Remember You Will Always Burn As Bright (Gerard Way x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant