(Chapter 10) I'll Keep You Safe Tonight

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I awakened. I didn't open my eyes yet, they felt heavy and plastered shut; like they hadn't been opened in a while. My body ached and stung with soreness. There seemed to be something encasing my leg and arm. I heard what sounded like silent sobs and their foot rapidly taking against the floor. The only other sounds that I could identify were the beeping of machines surrounding me. 

I finally mustered the strength to open my eyes, I was obviously in a hospital. I was in a car wreck after all, where else would I have been? My eyes scanned the room to find the location of the crying. In the corner of the little room was a chair, in this chair was the familiar raven-haired boy that had somehow captured my heart over the few days prior to the accident. 

He looked like hell, his hair was even more out of wack than usual. He held his head in his hands as he cried. I was confused because why on earth would he be crying. My ability to speak seemed to be gone until I found my weak voice. 

"Ger-gerard?" My shaky voice croaked. 

His head shot up instantaneously. His broken eyes connecting with mine and a sad smile pulled at his lips. 

"Y/n!" He exclaimed and reached my bedside. 

I was even more confused, wasn't he supposed to hate me? He acted like I was somebody important to him and not his enemy. 

"What's going on? How long have I been out?" I asked, my voice evening out. 

"You've been out for six days, Y/n." He replied, taking my hand in his. 

"Damn," I said stunned. "Why are you here? And most importantly what's got you so upset?" 

"Um, Y/n, when you were out I was so worried about you. I thought you wouldn't wake up," He said avoiding eye contact.

 "I kind of have a confession to make... I really like you. Like, like like if you know what I mean." He said with an adorable giggle. I smiled in return and let him continue. 

"When you were out for six days, it made me realize how much of an impact you have on my life and I missed having you around. It made me realize I really need you, Y/n." He finished, finally looking back into my eyes. 

"Wow, I thought we were like enemies or something, but whatever," I laughed. "I like you too Gerard. Like, like like." I replied causing him to smile from ear to ear. 

With that, he leaned in and kissed me. Contrary to the kiss at the party, this one was soft and sweet, yet passionate at the same time. He was being gentle with me probably keeping in mind my broken limps and pounding head. 

At that moment though, my physical injuries didn't matter. All I was thinking about was us. The powerful feeling of his lips on mine, the thought of us being together, the thought of this not being a fantasy anymore. This was happening in real-time, not in my head. I hadn't felt this way since my girlfriend passed. I never thought of myself to be capable of feeling that way again, but there I was, basking in the ecstasy of newfound love. I was brought back when he pulled away and gazed lovingly at me. 

"Well, what does this make us?" I asked.

"Whatever you want Sugar." He smirked. He was back to his old self now.

"Well I was thinking, maybe we could be girlfriend and boyfriend?" I said hopefully.

"Of course." He responded and pecked my lips again before standing up and going to look for my doctor. 

He returned with a man in tow. The man held a clipboard and wore a doctor's coat. 

"Ah! Miss L/n you're awake. You really had us worried there. We just have to do some testing and some housekeeping things before you can go." He said before a nurse came in and started testing and things. 

It was about an hour and a half before I was released. We got on the road to my house. It was about five at the time so I didn't expect anybody to be home. 

"So how are you and the guys? You know after the crash." 

"I'm fine, just some bruising and whiplash. Frank's wrist is broken, but nothing too severe. You and Quinn obviously got the worst of it." He said, pulling up to my house.

"I'm glad you're all ok." I went to open my door and Gerard helped me to the front door. I was just using my crutches for the first time. 

I opened the door and there was the challenging bit, the stairs. I took my time and Gerard made sure I didn't fall and hurt myself even more. Once upstairs, I went to get changed. Of course, I needed help with that too, and by the end of it, I was completely exhausted.

"Lay down, you need your rest." Gerard led me to the bed and I did as he said. 

I laid down and got comfortable. This bed was so much better than that hospital bed. As soon as I was drifting off, the duvet moved Gerard cozied himself under the covers. He pulled me closer to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my head on his chest and heard the quiet thumping of his heart which helped me ease off into sleep quicker. 

"Sweet dreams Sugar." He mumble and kissed my forehead. 

That was the last thing I remember before I drifted off. I felt so comforted in his arms like everything was going to be ok even after tragedy. Once I hated him, once I detested the thought of him coming close to me. But here I was resting in the solitude of his touch. It sure is interesting how two people can become so close after something so tragic happened. Realization can come in the most peculiar ways. 

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