(Chapter 15) Star Wars and I love You's

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Saturday came and went, it was now Sunday. I forced Gerard to go home to see his family because he hadn't been home since that day he went to get clothes to be able to stay with me. But guess who showed up on that bright Sunday morning despite what I'd told him. 

Don't get me wrong, I would never be irritated because of getting to spend time with him. I just felt like he should, I don't know, have a good time instead of having to spend all his time with his emotional wreck of a girlfriend. I'd known that it had to be sucking the life out of him by now but I guess not since he'd voluntarily showed up. 

"Hey Sugar," Gerard greeted with a slight smile.

"Morning Gee," I responded groggily, rubbing my eyes and letting him enter.

When he got closer, we shared a short kiss before heading up to my room. I plopped down in a beanbag, Gerard doing the same. 

"So what brings you here at eight forty in the morning?" I asked, letting out a yawn. 

I was still in my pajamas, hair uncombed, not caffeinated, and just overall a mess. 

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tonight, also because I was bored and wanted to see you," He explained.

"I'd love to! Am I allowed to know where you're taking me?" I asked curiously.

"No, it's a surprise," he smirked, holding my hand. 

"It better not be somewhere fancy, I don't deserve that much," I said with a slight tone. 

"It's not, but why would you say that? You deserve the world and more," He said sweetly. 

"I just feel guilty when people do things for me is all, especially if you'd have to spend money on me," I expressed which caused him to furrow his brows slightly. 

"You don't need to be, it's not like you're forcing me to do anything. I like to do things for you  'cause I love you,"

Damn did that man know how to make my heart melt even though I didn't fully believe the words he uttered. Just the way he spoke, his crooked smile, and his dazzling eyes made him positively charming and made you feel butterflies by just saying your name. 

I moved from my beanbag to sit on his lap. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head in his neck.

"Fine, you win," I mumbled.

"You're adorable dear," 

~Time skip to that evening~

I slipped on my shoe and walked down the stairs, clutching the banister. I went for a check-up the day prior and I didn't have to use my crutches anymore which was an excellent feeling. I still had a boot on, but that was a great Improvement from having to try to get downstairs with crutches which was absolute hell. 

I tried to put a little bit more effort into my outfit instead of just putting on a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie and calling it a day. The only time I'd actually dressed up since I was out of the hospital was for the funeral so it was a bit startling to myself back to how I was before. 

"Ya ready to go, Sugar?" Gerard asked taking my hand as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Yep, let's go!" I said enthusiastically, as I was on pins and needles about where he was taking me. 

He pulled me into a kiss before we walked to the car and departed to the unknown location. 

We arrived at the place and I smiled, he had taken us to a drive-in movie theatre. 

"Well, what do ya think?" He asked a little worry in his eyes.

"It's perfect, Gee. Thank you for taking me out tonight," I grinned wide as his expression relaxed a little.

"Of course, anything for you," he smiled back.

"What are we seeing by the way?" I inquired, cocking my head to the side.

"Star War a New Hope," He responded, the worried look returning a bit.

"Great, nothing can beat some Star Wars, it's iconic," I replied.

"That's good, I didn't know you were into sci-fi. It would be hella awkward if you didn't like Star Wars, I'm kinda a nerd for that shit," 

"I could tell by your Star Wars bedsheets," I chuckled, causing him to blush slightly. "They're fucking adorable, no need to go all shy and embarrassed," I said, cupping his cheek with my hand and pecking his lips.

"I love you in all your nerdiness, it actually makes me more attracted to you," I confessed. 

"That's a relief, y'know Julia absolutely despised that I was into comics 'n stuff like that. That was such a terrible decision to date her," he said shaking his head lightly and furrowing his eyebrows.

"She was terrible. I couldn't stand to be in a room with her for ten minutes, forget about dating her," I agreed.

"I know, how did I put up with her?" he sighed.

The movie began after that. The iconic 'Long ago in a galaxy far far away' appeared on the screen and Gerard's eyes lit up like a little kid on Christmas. It was very amusing to watch him get so excited over a film he'd probably seen a million times in his seventeen years of life. 

Being the needy person I am, I had to sit in his lap so we could cuddle and shit. He moved the seat back so we wouldn't be squashed against the steering wheel and I maneuvered to his lap. 

During the movie, I couldn't help the feeling of things starting to piece back together and a sense of normalcy arising. Even though I was far from it, the feeling was creeping in. Everything about the date seems so right and perfect. 

"Damn this is our first official date..." I thought aloud as it dawned on me. 

"It is isn't it? Wow.." He said in aw. "I hadn't even realized it yet, it seems so odd that we've like said 'I love you' when we haven't even gone out."

"I still mean it wholeheartedly, it doesn't matter how many times we go out. My heart is set and I don't regret saying it." I stated.

He kissed me, it was full of emotion and power. The kiss wasn't as gentle or sensitive as the ones prior. This kiss had a bit of fire, reminiscent of the one at the party. I rested my hands on his chest, his entangling in my hair, pulling slightly. We pulled away to catch our breath before I trailed kisses down to his neck, I started kissing and nipping at the skin causing him to let out a moan. I smirked and didn't stop until I was sure I left a hickey.

"You made us miss the best part," He whined to which I let out a groan. 

"I'm only kidding, Sugar," He added with a chuckle.

 I shook my head with a slight smile then pecked his lips before settling back down to pay attention to the rest of the movie. 

The showing ended and we drove back to my house, reveling in the last bit of our amazing night. He parked in the driveway and we walked towards the front door. We stayed out on the stoop, Gerard holding on to my waist.

"I really enjoyed tonight, thank you," I said graciously.

"I did as well," He responded, "Are you coming to school tomorrow?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be there," I answered. 

"Okay good, it's been hell without you there," he said before giving me a goodbye kiss. "I love ya and I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Bye, I love you too," I said and with that, he sauntered over to his car and drove away.

I walked upstairs and fiddled about until I decided I was gonna go to bed. I changed into pajamas and tucked myself into bed, the thoughts of our excellent evening replaying in my head. 

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