Chapter 8

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"It's finished!" Susan exclaimed. Her excited voice interrupted the quiet of her own elegant parlor. Olive gave a start and looked back at the girl in surprise.

"What's finished, Miss Susan?" she asked.

"My dress!" Susan answered joyously. She set a pair of scissors and a sewing needle down and then raced to a tall mirror. There, she held up the gown which she had just sewn and admired it.

"Isn't it perfect?" she laughed. "Isn't it wonderful?"

Olive got back to work dusting the banister and stairs. "Lovely," she mumbled dryly.

"Oh, I can't wait to show Emma!" Susan said, folding the new dress and tucking it under her arm. "Olive, tell Mother I've gone to Emiline's house if she asks." The girl slipped on a warm fur coat and reached for the door handle. Olive gave her an obedient nod.

"It's gonna rain, Miss Susan," she warned. "Wouldn't you like Gordon to drive you there instead?"

Susan's face brightened with a confident smile. "No thank you," she answered. "I don't see a reason to bother poor Gordon. He has enough to do already. Besides, I'm quite used to the rain now." She grabbed an umbrella before stepping outside and closing the door behind her.

The air was cool on Susan's face, but she didn't mind it. Nothing could chill the warmth of joy that was glowing in her heart. She looked down at the brand-new dress in her arms and held it a little tighter. She had a whole closet full of beautiful gowns, but this one was special. She had made every stitch of it. And she had chosen the fabric all by herself.

"Green always looks so smart on me," she thought happily, marching down the road.

At Emiline's house, things were very busy. Mother was down on her hands and knees scrubbing floors, and Emma was trying to tidy up a mound of fabrics which sat in one corner of the living room.

Mother almost never has her sewing things straightened, Emiline mused silently. That heap of spools, fabrics, thimbles, and pins had always stayed right there. But now, Mother had given orders for the fabrics to be folded and the buttons collected into jars. I wonder why she wants to clean so much? Emma thought. She didn't see a reason to clean floors and organize. The floor will be muddy again by evening, she reasoned. And I know Mother has to mend Father's breeches soon.

She stopped and looked at the mountain of sewing things around her. She was sure that she would work all day trying to put them in order. And by tomorrow, everything would be undone. The girl sighed and grabbed a tangled knot of threads. She didn't like house work, but it had to be done anyway.

Soon, Susan came to the door and gave a hasty knock. Emma crawled out of the messy living room and dashed into the foyer. She had barely pulled the door open before Susan hurried in with an excited greeting.

"Emiline, I couldn't wait to show you!" she exclaimed. She tossed her fur coat into her friend's arms. "Come with me!" she called, heading up the stairs toward Emma's bedroom. Emiline hung Susan's coat up on a peg, but she couldn't help pausing for an instant to finger the soft garment.

A fur coat! she thought dreamily. It must feel wonderful to wear! She couldn't waste any more time. But as she raced up the steps, she wondered how much a coat like that would cost. Probably too much, she imagined, walking through her bedroom door. But maybe, she thought with more hope, just maybe, Grandma Adler will send me a new coat! Maybe that's what the surprise will be! She knew that was impossible, but it was still a wonderful thought.

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