Chapter 32

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A soft glow of light touched the window pane, falling across Emiline's face. It was that early time of morning when everyone's day began in the country. Mother would be down in the kitchen starting breakfast.

"Oh no," the girl muttered, starting to wake up. "It's morning! That means I have to milk the cows and clean the barn." Without opening her eyes, she buried her face in her pillow and let out a sleepy moan. But, suddenly she realized something. This wasn't the same pillow she usually slept on. It was as soft as a cloud, and there was a smell of sweet perfume in the air. Emma's eyes blinked open, but she felt like she was living in a dream. For just a few minutes, she had forgotten the long journey and all of the things she had seen the day before. But now, she took a deep breath and sat up in bed. For once, this room of wonders wasn't her imagination. It was real, beautiful, and for a whole two weeks she had it all to herself.

Without wasting another moment, Emiline jumped out of bed and sprang to a tall window. She threw the flimsy curtains back and looked out. Her heart melted.

All around the neighborhood, morning's shadows were lying blue across the houses, but far away the sun was rising over the ocean and it made the waves look like gold.

"I can't wait!" she told herself. "What kind of things will we do today?" She was sure that Anastasia had some lovely things planned. Hastily, she threw on her Sunday dress. Then, she flew to her bedroom's door and opened it quietly. Her head peeked around the corner; everything was dark and motionless.

"Oh dear," she thought, "no one else is awake yet!" She shut the door without a noise, but her heart gave a miserable throb. She couldn't go back to sleep now, she was too excited and alert. But what would she do? Would she have to wait in her bedroom for hours until Anastasia and Susan finally woke up? She tapped an impatient finger against the wall. Then her lips turned up with a sudden thought. "I could look around a little bit," she told herself. "I'm good at being quiet. I'm sure I wouldn't wake anyone up." Gathering her courage, she opened the door again and tiptoed out into the hallway.

Anastasia's home was as perfect as the pictures in a story book. There were beautiful paintings on every wall and the floors were covered in soft carpet. Emiline's smile made her face beam. In a place like this, her homely dress didn't matter. She could picture herself as a very fine lady and she could imagine that her tangled brown hair was fixed in stunning curls.

Emma didn't think about where she was going. She wound her way through one hall after another, losing herself in the gorgeous details of the house. Suddenly the morning light flooded into a little sitting room. Staring back at her was a big, glass door and a stone balcony that looked out toward the sea. The girl's eyes sparkled. What could be better than a balcony? Giggling inside, she hurried out and let the wet breeze surround her. The princess in her heart gazed far into the distance, as if everything she saw belonged to her. Then, the words came with a sweet and sorrowful note to her mind.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" She was sure that Juliet had felt exactly the same way as she had stood on her own balcony, calling for her love.

"Oh, if only the story had ended better," she sighed to herself. "No story should end with the heroes dying like that! And all because of a family feud." Her mind flew back to the letters she had found in the burnt house, and the journals Peter had given her. Another horrible ending. Only, this story hadn't been a fairy tale. It was very real. A tear started sliding down her cheek. "If only William had told his brother that he was sorry. Or maybe Mortimer should have forgiven him anyway. Then they could have been friends! Families shouldn't be angry and hold grudges against each other." As she thought the words, she remembered how frustrated she had been with Grandma Adler and her heart gave a guilty sting.

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