🖤Oh Rats • Barbatos🖤

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Barbatos has an encounter with his greatest fear: a rat. It's up to MC to rescue him!
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Written in 3rd person with they/them pronouns and "MC" as a placeholder name.


"MC," said Barbatos's shaken voice through the phone.

"Barbatos! Are you alright?!" MC worriedly asked. It was unnerving to hear the calm and collected butler have a vague tremble in his voice, especially after he had just texted a single word:


"Not quite," he shortly said. He was in quite the predicament, clinging to one of the pillars in the kitchen as a small creature on the ground peered up at him curiously.

A rat.

"Sorry to bother you," he apologized. "Calling just happens to be easier right now. My hand are full." Full of pillar, that is.

"No, no it's alright! I'm just wondering if I could help you!" In all honestly, their kindness was reassuring and soothed him.

Then the rat pawed closer to him, its front paws pressed right against the pillar he was holding onto.

He was no longer soothed. Would he live past the shame if MC saw him like this? "If it's not too much of a bother, MC, Lucifer and Lord Diavolo are out for dinner at the moment, so I could not ask either of them for help. I'd appreciate it if you could come over. I've been cornered by a rat."

Relief flooded his soul when the rat turned away from him and began to walk in the opposite direction. He sank back down the pillar, his feet once again on even ground.

Then the rat climbed up to the counter, eyes on one thing: Barbatos's Beloved tea cabinet.

His limbs felt weak, his mind empty, his heart in his stomach, stabbed with dread.

"MC, do hurry, please."

"Alright Barbatos. I'll be there."

They hung up, and he immediately missed their prescience.

He stared at the rat, watching painfully as it tried to latch onto the tea cabinet handle. "Don't you dare," he warned.

It tried anyway.

Barbatos grabbed the broom.

It was time for war.


MC arrived at the castle to the sight of a rat standing utop the kitchen counter, and Barbatos with his arms wound up like he was ready to swing a baseball bat. Except it wasn't a bat, it was a broom.


He lightly jolted at the exclaimation, and turned to them in shock. "I..."

They quickly stepped between him and the rat. "Hello," they greeted, speaking to the rat. They would hate for either the rat or Barbatos to get hurt in this conflict.

It was actually quite a cute rat. It had a playfulness to its posture, standing up on its hind paws, eagerly bent towards MC. Its nose and whiskers twitched as it made little sniffs.

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